What is your weather like right now?

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Our weather conditions here in NoVA are nothing compared to some of the rest of you. Spiritboxer, good luck with the fruit stand. I went to the local megamart early this a.m. to pick up a few necessities and they were looking pretty lean. Doubt your local guy has a better delivery system, but I wish you all the best.
If your going to get what we have then I'd advice you to go hit the store now if you need anything.

Thanks Sizz. Luckily I don't have to go anywhere. Until tomorrow when I have to be at work by 8 a.m. Hopefully all the roads will be salted and plowed by then. They're saying this is going to be the worst winter storm we've had in 14 years. It is coming down pretty hard now. Getting pretty windy as well. If anyone else in the midwest to northeast is out in this please be very careful as the traffic is pretty much at a standstill from the weather conditions.
middie said:
If your going to get what we have then I'd advice you to go hit the store now if you need anything.

Thanks Sizz. Luckily I don't have to go anywhere. Until tomorrow when I have to be at work by 8 a.m. Hopefully all the roads will be salted and plowed by then. They're saying this is going to be the worst winter storm we've had in 14 years. It is coming down pretty hard now. Getting pretty windy as well. If anyone else in the midwest to northeast is out in this please be very careful as the traffic is pretty much at a standstill from the weather conditions.

Their shutting down counties around here I guess.....only allowed out for emergencies. I'm hoping they announce DH work is shut down too cause I certainly don't want him venturing out tomorrow.
Katie E said:
Temp has dropped considerably in the last 2 1/2 hours and the wind is blowing like a son of a gun. Looks as though Mother Nature is getting ready to have a hissy fit. Maybe the weatherman is going to be right this time.

We're only about 65 miles north of Katie...same weather here, except we're getting sleet and snow.
We were lucky today, the heavy snow went south. We just had some flurries. Its the darn wind that makes it miserable when you have to drive out on the highway.:ermm:
We're expecting the big storm Wednesday and into Thursday, about 1 foot or more of snow. Lots of wind expected too. Can't complain since we really havent had much snow this winter.
Snow moved in around 2pm today with gusty winds. It's 11pm now and still snowing. Our temp right now is 5degrees. We live in the country and I'm hoping that we aren't drifted in tomorrow morning. This weather makes me want to move somewhere warm...and soon.
SNOW DAY !!!!!





:cool: :cool: :cool:

Tomorrow is going to be a lot like today Stirblue but just hang in there it's going to warm up a little by the end of the week. You was up to your waist in a snow drift in your front door this morning. That pushed off pretty easy when you body slammed the door a few times. Your son went to a friend's house and built a cool snow fort. You hung his wet things to dry, made cocoa and a hot pizza. You went on DC and found out that your jeans were still in style.

Yeah, tomorrow is going to be a lot like today Stirblue ..... peek out from under the covers, bright and early. Snow Days are just little umm unexpected holidays.
They've cancelled the winter storm warning and replaced it with an ice storm warning. It's been icing here (and wouldn't it be great if all sorts of fondant and ganache were actually falling from the sky..??:LOL:) since two AM. The roads are like a sheet of glass and this is going to continue till about 6pm tonight.

Can anyone say 'personal day'??:-p
VeraBlue, that's what we had all day yesterday. From the morning until about 10 or 11 p.m. when it turned to snow. Limbs down everywhere. Many have lost power. I have a huge ice covered limb out the laying on both my cable and electric lines to the house, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed at this point! Be careful today!
after almost a whole dry day now rain again...

we had the workers on the roof this morning, they did lots of noise, now we have to wait and see if it was worth it...
but they are not finished yet, don't know why they stopped...
Looks like we dodged yesterday's snow bullet. Didn't escape the COLD bullet. Single digits today with intermittent sunshine. At least the wind has subsided. I thought we were going to join Dorothy in Oz yesterday. Stuff was flyin' everywhere.

Spits of snow earlier this morning but nothing to even cover anything. Nothing predicted in that department the rest of the day.
it is so cold here :eek:
it was -30C with the wind chill this morning
but it is supposed to get up to -6C this afternoon and 4C for the weekend
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I know that some people think in C and some in F so I thought that this would help:
C -> F
-45 -49
-40 -40
-35 -31
-25 -13
-20 -4
-15 +5
-10 +14
-5 23
0 32 <---freezing point of water
+5 41
+10 50
15 59
20 65
25 77
30 86
35 95
40 104
45 113
50 122
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