What is your weather like right now?

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snow...... snow...... snow........ I'm soooo fed up with that white crap...
hoped for a warm spring the last days, but now winter is back..
FINALLY got that yellow glowing thing back in the sky! After four days of ark-building weather we have sunny skies and dry winds! :w00t2: We probably got over five inches of rain over those days; some badly hit parts of MA saw nearly nine!:ohmy:
Me too babe, yard work and watering of potatoes and sweet onions, peppers,fruit trees...
well as they say in the UK...... take your "brawley" as it looks like it might rain (oh, really, in the UK??) and it's still wear a coat type of day as well.......I can't complain as Reading has had some sunny days (we're here until the company doctor clears dh to return to KZ as he had to have a new mitral valve transplanted in but that's another whole story in itself)
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