What peeves you?

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well one that i had to deal with today was someone popping their gum.....not the big bubble pop but that annoying little snap...snap....snap.....snap. I wanted to go snap her on the back and make her choke on it.....:angel: just kidding about the choking.....maybe i'd get lucky and it would go down without any hitch.:)

-someone driving slow in the passing lane or going the same speed as the people in the slow lane.....hubby has a bad habit of that

-someone reading over my shoulder

thats just a few!
Even me Buckytom, I am too? :wacko:

There a guy named Sully looking for you , He said he needs you to get out your Flobee again! He said he will be at the Barber Shop Tonight!
Couple things ~ my biggest pet peeve ever is towards myself that I let little things get under my skin. I'm learning to let it all slide. Slowly. =0) I'm trying to save my energy for better things! (Repeats to self again and again... haha)

Other thing I think is funny is how we spend the first portion of our lives trying so hard to be like everyone else and then we spend the rest of it trying so hard to be unique. It's a strange world we live in.

I am very strongly opposed to feeding our children serious psychotic drugs in hopes that they'll learn to suck up the extreme boredom dished out by our school systems. And feeding them drugs so that they're easier to control. No one knows what the long term effects of those drugs are. But I'm pretty sure it's safe to assume that it won't be pretty. Screwing about with the chemical structure of our brains isn't something to be taken lightly.

Don't force your child to fit into a mold, create a mold where you child fits.

Kudos to you who refuse to be a lemming! and thank the gods that you're there to be a champion for your child. It breaks my heart to think of those who don't have someone like you there to stand up for them.

I was surprised by all the things that peeves us . I have quite a list, but one that really bothers me is to have someone tell what should be a very short item - only to take so many departures you can't get away from them. I find myself avoiding them or not slowing down to talk at all. Also, those who always know the answer (whether they use it in their own lives or not). We certainly have our share of bad drivers also. The military and good weather brings people from all over and some of them got their drivers' license at the thrift store, and we have our own rednecks who shouldn't be on the roads at all. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm mad.
-People who scuff their feet when they walk. like they are too lazy to pick up their feet.
-I'm with you all on the gum snapping and loud eating, not closing their mouths when eating.
-Complaints about drivers are really popular, it's funny, if everyone in the world complained about bad drivers there would still be horrible drivers out there. My dad sure does complain about awful drivers and I have to say, he's probably the worst one on the roads.
-I hate when people constantly yell at their kids. As if their kids will only hear them if they are screaming at the top of their lungs, but the kids just learn to block it out, so the parents yell louder and louder. No patience with their children.
-The way Michael Jackson looks! That guys doesn't even look human anymore!

Goodness, once you get started, it's hard to stop. We all have those little things.
Just another quick note about bad drivers. My husband always notices when the bathroom is dirty but never when it is clean. We always notice and point them out when we see a "bad driver" but never when we see a good one.

Another thing that drives me nuts...
People who minimize 'differences' by saying that everyone is different (as if that's supposed to solve something).

Well, "Duh", right? Big revelation - - and just so very clever and insightful! As children we're all TOLD that everybody is unique, but we're not always told what to do about those differences.

'COMMON KNOWLEDGE' does not stop people from treating people who think differently as 'wrong' or somehow 'less' than THEY are.

You know - - people get teased or treated differently and then everybody is SHOCKED when a school shooting or some other tragedy happens. Why? Because people (as a whole) so NOT accept or understand the implications of the well-loved axiom that "everybody's different". That rule does not help people accept differences for what they are. Instead, it helps they, themselves, cope with all those people in the world that are not quite as right as they are.
which is why it is important to allow people to disagree, to dissent, not to quash every notion of things unpleasant.

is anyone in there listening??? :cool:

thomas jefferson said "the greatest form of patriotism is dissent".
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One of my closest friends and I are miles apart politically and yet we remain friends. Why? Because we have agreed to disagree and accept that as part of the dynamic of our friendship.

Life would be boring if we all drove 57 Chevys.
What peeves me? The amount of money it's going to cost to replace the propeller that got destroyed this weekend...... :(

buckytom said:
which is why it is important to allow people to disagree, to dissent, not to quash every notion of things unpleasant.

is anyone in there listening??? :cool:

thomas jefferson said "the greatest form of patriotism is dissent".

Hey Bucky - I'm listening & I hear you loud & clear (& TJ has just won another fan - great quote & so so TRUE).

I am the original dissenter - the "Queen of Confrontation" because I cannot condone complacency & loathe apathy. Miss Popularity I will never be but bollocks to that - I am true to myself. I have never understood how having an opinion that is in opposition to others is considered being confrontational in the first place - just because I don't agree with you, won't accept crap &/or speak up about the things I believe in? Well, excuse me for breathing!! I don't remember sending my opponents to the chair for disagreeing with me - but, just because they feel they represent the majority of opinion (rightly or wrongly) they seem indignant of my voicing my point of view. Here is a ridiculous example of what I mean: I ask you, why do so many people get so upset at my suggestion that, for example, Celine Dion sucks and has no talent. So what? I remember during the punk revolution of the late 70's / early 80's everyone around me was telling me my preferred music was utter crap - it didn't bother me in the least because I was secure in what I liked. What is their problem? If they think Dion rocks isn't that all that matters? Why should they give a tinker's cuss what I think about her - I don't care what they think of MY musical preferences!! An unimportant example, I know, but it illustrates my point. If people are perturbed about something so insignifiicant can you imagine how they must boil about people dissenting the more important issues??

And I must disagree with Z (though ya know I luvs ya
) - the school shootings in the States has less to do with lack of acceptance of difference as it does with oversized, impersonal schooling institutions, remote parents and - most importantly - gun ownership. Remove the weapon of convenience and you remove the means - takes a helluva lot more emotional input to ram a knife into someone's belly than to stand remotely at a distance & squeeze a trigger. Every household there seems to be in possession of a firearm. I have lived in Australia all my life - all 45 years - & (accept for a few military & police acquaintences) have NEVER met ANYONE living in a city or town that owns a gun. I have never personally ever SEEN a real gun in Australia (accept perhaps glimpsing the handle of a policeman's gun in its holster), let alone touched one. I did however see a handgun in the US - it was pulled on us by an extremely nervous police officer in the middle of the night because we were parked (sleeping in our rented RV) on the shoulder of a remote road. There was a knock on the door at about midnight - I opened it to find no-one there until this lunatic swung from against the side of the van & pointed the bloody thing in my face!!!!! Talk about watching too many Hollywood movies!!!! :huh:

PS - Why can't I write h.e.l.l. - the last time I posted I used this extremely harmless word & it was blanked out & replaced by **** which made it look like I used a very crude word as I said "what the h.e.l.l. does that mean" - you can see why I was not very pleased when I read my posting - made me look like a total potty mouth!!!
surfrkim - - I enjoy reading your thoughtful insights. You're right. I didn't mean to assert/imply that there was a singular reason for violent tragedies in our society. To do so would, of course, be simplistic.

I agree with you about the importance of our gun ownership (easy access) problems. So far this year there have been 11 freeway shootings in L.A. area (there were a total of 36 in 2004 and 46 in 2003, so I guess we should feel good about the decline, huh? :neutral: )

I lived in Australia for 11 years (Newcastle area) and think that, while the Aussie gov't has it's share of problems, the U.S. could learn a GREAT deal from the way things are done there - - especially in terms of health care, social programs, school systems and labour laws (loved that leave loading - - still have that?).
buckytom said:
lol, try commuting in to nyc every morning. if you leave even 1/4 car length between you and the car in front of you, someone will see it as that you were letting them in. everyone waits until the last second to merge, or everyone behind them just goes around, and gets in front of both of you...

Buckytom you really must try driving here in South Carolina, They don't take road conditions ever into account. We live by 601 a highway that ranks in the top 10 in the country for deaths. It is enter at your own risk !
I was going to work one moring at 4:30 am and had 4 cars pass me in FOG you couldn't see much beyond 30 feet going up hill (THEY COULDN"T SEE WHAT WAS COMING) and They all 4 passed me at the same time. I was doing 60 myself ! This is a narrow 2 lane highway and is only 17 miles long. They are going to turn in into a 4 lane in the next ten years. 20 people have been killed on it in the pass 3 years! :ermm:
How is your live going ? :)
Zereh said:
Couple things ~ my biggest pet peeve ever is towards myself that I let little things get under my skin. I'm learning to let it all slide. Slowly. =0) I'm trying to save my energy for better things! (Repeats to self again and again... haha)

Kudos to you who refuse to be a lemming! and thank the gods that you're there to be a champion for your child. It breaks my heart to think of those who don't have someone like you there to stand up for them.

I tell myself those same things - about not letting little things bother me. I know they shouldn't bug me, but somehow they do - and that really bugs me!

I have to comment on the last part. I don't in any way consider myself a lemming. Nor do I try to make my child fit into a mold. I do, however, have him take meds. We went through several years of finding one that works without taking away his wonderfully quirky personality. But, he needs the help that the meds offer. He can concentrate better. He can think before acting/speaking (at least sometimes). He's not in trouble all day because of his behavior. We have made it very clear to him that the meds are only an assist - not a solution. That ultimately, he is responsible for his own behavior. But for him to have a feeling of success, he needs some help.

I'm probably not stating my case very well. I also think that we drug our kids way to readily. The first doctor we took ds to sounded like a great doctor. We would have to come in weekly, at first, until we had things better under control. We went through about three different meds before we found one that seemed to be working. Then, when we would come in for our weekly follow-up, I would fill out this questionaire about ds' behavior during the past week (like, on a scale of 1-5, how did he do with staying in a chair, speaking out of turn, etc. I don't remember exactly, but I think 1 was good and 5 was bad). We could definitly see improvement, but he still wasn't "perfect", and I marked the sheet as honestly as I could. The doctor would then up his dose. It was up'd to the point where I had a walking drone instead of a son. His wonderful sense of humor was gone. He never smiled anymore, let alone laughed. We did that for (I'm ashamed to say) about a month when I realized that this is NOT what was needed. So, I took him back down to one pill a day (he'd started at one 18 mg pill and moved up to 4 a day! He was only about 7 at the time) and we quit going to that doctor. It's been a long road, but we're happy with where we are right now. He's still my wonderfully quirky boy (at the age of 8, he thought that the name "Norm" was short for Enormous! Isn't that great!!), still has a little trouble with impulse control, but as far as I'm concerned, it's all tolerable because I don't know any teenager out there who has a perfect personality. And besides, I know his heart - and there's not a better heart out there.

I guess what I'm trying to say and not succeding is simply this: just because my son takes meds for ADHD doesn't mean that I don't have his BEST interests at heart. It doesn't mean that I'm giving him meds to make MY life easier. I believe that some people need help and he is one of them. I try to keep all my children's best interests in mind when deciding treatments, disciplines, schooling, vacations, church, fun and games, movies, etc.

So, that's the other side of the coin, I guess. Sorry to be so long winded. And I hope I'm not coming across as being rude or anything, because I'm not meaning it that way.
I haven't entered in to this discussion, but have been reading...Seems to me that you are mom's of beautiful lovely children..One chooses not to give meds, the other does give the meds. Who's right and who's wrong? Neither...You both love your children and seek to do what you feel is best for them. For that you both deserve a big well done! Keep being their mom's and doing what you are doing.. Only YOU have the right..All we can do is support you.
having four grown children and 5-1/2 grandchildren, who are what make my heart beat and my breath catch, you will be in my thought.
Has anyone mention not enough money to pay the bills along with raising costs of everything because of oil prices ?
Greed, Greed, and More Greed.

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