What's for dinner Sunday May 30th?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
we are having friends over for dinner and euchre tonight...will cook a sweet and hot chicken dish in the crock pot, then some brown rice in the pressure cooker and then stir fry the rice with fresh from the garden celery, white onions and garlic scapes, then chunk and add the cooked chicken...and finish with the almond semolina pudding...

What's happening where you are?
I think we're going to have a 4-cheese pizza. I have dough thawing in the fridge. I roll out the dough (it's a thin crust recipe), put a thin layer of cream cheese, then basil pesto (my basil is going gangbusters this spring... yay!!) and finally mozzarella, shredded gouda, and bits of goat cheese. I guess it would be 5 cheese, since we put parmigiano-reggiano on before we eat.
Left over BBQ brisket retrieved from the freezer......
Green Beans with Bacon and Tasso..........
Yellow Squash with Caramelized Onions.........
Oven herb roasted potatoes........
Sliced fresh D'mators, and Fresh Cayenne/Jalapeno Peppers....
I have to many options and possibilities today!!

Its gonna be a surprise!! LOL
Fridge is overflowing so leftover meatloaf for us and there's corn, asparagus, mac'n'cheese, a few chicken nuggets, some rice. I'll set it all out on the counter and people can buffet it.
Today is our holiday cookout.

Burgers, hot dogs, sausages, potato and tossed salads, chips and dips, hummus, and a couple of desserts.
I think I'm going to make rice pilaf, my version. With stewed chicken. And if I get to it I'd like to make some blintzes, I promissed my daughter.
Fridge is overflowing so leftover meatloaf for us and there's corn, asparagus, mac'n'cheese, a few chicken nuggets, some rice. I'll set it all out on the counter and people can buffet it.

I love these kinds of meals. We do this also when we have a lot of leftovers. I know some people don't like leftovers, but we waste nothing. Even if it's a few bites of green beans, we'll keep them and then one night I'll pull it all out and let people pick and choose. It's actually one of our favorite meals.
I love these kinds of meals. We do this also when we have a lot of leftovers. I know some people don't like leftovers, but we waste nothing. Even if it's a few bites of green beans, we'll keep them and then one night I'll pull it all out and let people pick and choose. It's actually one of our favorite meals.
Leftovers have always been one of my favorite breakfasts!

We will be having ham and beans tonight. I hope I have what we need for cornbread because it just wouldn't be the same without it.

Hickory smoked chicken halves. Roasted rosemary potatoes, and coleslaw.
Put a nice rub on the chicken last night. We'll see how it goes. Has to be done by 1:00pm or hubby gets PBJ's for his lunch.. :)

oven fried chicken thigh, pasta salad , and some leftover carrots. still have applesauce , oatmeal for dessert or made jello late yesterday with fruit cocktail in it. so maybe that will be dessert. and will save muffin for a snack in the evening.
Spaghetti and Meat Balls.
French Bread Rolls
Italian Green Beans - seasoned with Lemon Pepper
Twinkie Cake (copycat recipe) with Vanilla Whipped Cream Frosting and topped with Fresh Strawberries.
I eat leftovers for breakfast more often then regular breakfast foods!

Tonight we are having chicken marsala, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, and some sort of veg prob fresh spinach sauteed with butter,garlic, and pepper flakes!
two kilos of pork shoulder on the bone - braised with 6 halved onions ,plus one diced and sweated,two whole big heads of garlic ( twenty cloves not crushed ) in apple juice concentrate -apple sauce-mangoe juice . probably four hours in the oven with a bouquet-garni from the garden -thyme-bay -sage ,----corn on the cob ,and ale
the meat will be fall off the bone tender plus it was on sale . I better cook some rice cause I think I know what I'll take for lunch this week !
we are still getting March weather where I live . Regards gage
oven fried chicken thigh, pasta salad , and some leftover carrots. still have applesauce , oatmeal for dessert or made jello late yesterday with fruit cocktail in it. so maybe that will be dessert. and will save muffin for a snack in the evening.

silly me, applesauce oatmeal muffins. lol and i made jello, not or made. needed a nap big time. :wacko:
I have a pork tenderloin marinating in the fridge......lime juice, garlic, hot pepper flakes, cilantro. We'll throw it on the grill along with some garlic bread. I'll make a big spinach salad. Nothing complicated or fancy tonight.
Ken is out bbqing burgers in the arctic wind and rain. Stupid freaking weather. Snow, rain and WINDY.
Tonight we enjoyed a S.PLA.T - an acronym from a long-gone favorite NY Hamptons restaurant "The Lobster Inn". Stands for "S.teamed PLA.tter for T.wo". Consists of a split lobster, a dozen or more Cherrystone hardshell clams, 2# of mussels, & a 1/2 pound of large shrimp. Good stuff, & any leftovers will make their way into a seafood sauce for pasta later this week. Oh - & we finished the meal with some lovely sweet white corn on the cob!
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