Dinner for Sept. 5

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I hope y'all have good meals planned. I'm afeared for mine.

I just put dinner in the crock pot. A while back, I found a recipe for Camp Potatoes au Gratin and it was fairly simple. Add sliced potatoes, heavy whipping cream, cheese, garlic, and salt to a crock pot and let 'em cook on low for about 6 hours. It tasted good but the potatoes were in no sense soft (actually I think I chipped a tooth on one), even after 8 hours, so this time I boiled the potatoes first after slicing.

Now they're too soft and I miscalculated and there's way too many of them.

Whatever, I threw them in the crock pot with extra cream, extra cheese, and also a jar of Alfredo sauce and 3 cups of chopped ham. It's a 3 qt slow cooker and it's overflowing and I think I created a monster. But that's dinner tonight and I'm just hoping it's edible.

If it's not, who lives near me and wants to wow me with their supper tonight?
Reduced priced fresh mushrooms were 59 cents for 8 ounces so mr bliss brought home 6 packages. I took some of the extra tomato sauce from canning tomatoes, plus fresh blended, and made a tomato mushroom sauce to serve over spaghetti. Dessert will be frozen guava dessert bars.
I might get to slicing up a cantaloupe yet tonight.

edit: I got a little fancy, thin sliced zucchini and cucumber, marinated in an italian garlic basil mustard dressing, lovingly placed in a fan shape, with three marinated olives.
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Another Slow Cooker meal going. Pot Roast for One.
Just thickened the gravy, smells good! Tasting coming up soon.
Here's how it started out. One disappointment with the mini Slow Cooker, I can't brown or sear in it like I can my larger Cuisinart Slow Cooker.
Pot Roast in Slow Cooker 23.09.05.jpg
Vegetarian enchiladas. Homemade salsa verde. Filling includes beans, corn, poblanos, onions, jalapenos, tomato, cheese, cilantro, and more. Filled some corn tortillas, rolled, then topped with more salsa and more cheese, and more cilantro.
More - more - more !!!
The plan for tonight's supper is cold smoked salmon and cold smoked sturgeon. Bagels for DH and knækbrød (crisp rye bread) for me. There will be the usual stuff to add to that.
That was delicious. Sometimes, I really prefer using wholegrain knækbrød for this rather than bagels made with white flour.
Cheesy mashed potatoes sounds good to me.
Well, basically I made cheesy potato soup with ham. Once I realized that, I turned the slow cooker off after only having had it on a couple hours. But it turned out really good, although I'm sure it's so fattening it's obscene. But I wouldn't mind making this as potato soup again with bacon next time. I'm pretty chuffed with myself.

Another Slow Cooker meal going. Pot Roast for One.
Just thickened the gravy, smells good! Tasting coming up soon.
Here's how it started out. One disappointment with the mini Slow Cooker, I can't brown or sear in it like I can my larger Cuisinart Slow Cooker.
View attachment 65871

Does it do any good to sear it in a pan first before it goes into the slow cooker?
Well, basically I made cheesy potato soup with ham. Once I realized that, I turned the slow cooker off after only having had it on a couple hours. But it turned out really good, although I'm sure it's so fattening it's obscene. But I wouldn't mind making this as potato soup again with bacon next time. I'm pretty chuffed with myself.

Does it do any good to sear it in a pan first before it goes into the slow cooker?
I love obscenely fattening food.
Gaeng Dpeng Bpet
Roast Duck Curry with Lychee and Pineapple, served with Jade’s Pat Thai 🫠


Cook’s Notes:

This is one of my signature dishes, I am always proud of it. Tonight was no exception. Absolutely delicious, I would be happy to put this up against any competitor, I think it’s that good.

In days gone by, after leaving the company kitchens, I did all kinds of work, but I have always thought about opening my own restaurant. I never would, because I don’t like just throwing money into a fire to keep warm.
Had I been more foolish and opened a restaurant, this dish would be front and centre of my menu!
Does it do any good to sear it in a pan first before it goes into the slow cooker?
Most times it probably doesn't matter. But it's the dish that is the deciding factor. In this case the searing added some umami from the actual sear on the meat. One has to think about if the want a boil meat taste which can unexpectantly happen.

I was shocked when I discovered many people pressure cook ribs - or keep them in a slow cooker (depending on the timing schedule). Then finish them off on the grill. I have had them a couple of times done like that from home cooks and it was OK!

Once having a hankering for some ribs, took my son to a steak house, known for their ribs. What a disappointment! First I had to scrape gobs and gobs of BBQ Sauce off, when I finally got to the meat - it tasted boiled! An expensive experience. Luckily my son enjoyed his steak!
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