What's for dinner this Sunday, March 6th?

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Head Chef
Feb 16, 2008
We've been doggie sitting for DD and SIL. They will be coming to pick up their babies and will be staying for dinner. I've got a pork tenderloin thawed out so I'm thinking breaded pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and maybe some fried okra and corn on the cob.
That chuck roast I took out of the freezer yesterday and put in the fridge wasn't even close to being started to thaw, so I said to heck with ya and stuck it back in the freezer. I wasn't really in the mood for stew today anyway. So that's what I'm not having for dinner... sometimes it's better if I work backwards and eliminate food that I'm not hungry for. I do have a chicken in the refrigerator... with giblets even. I might make a beer can chicken with giblet gravy. At least I haven't ruled it out yet, lol.
Twin Oaks Plantation Chicken......
Steamed Asparagus....
Squash Fritters....
Butter Beans.......
Garlic Potatoes.....
Warm Banana Bread for D-Zert
Uncle Bob said:
Twin Oaks Plantation Chicken......
Steamed Asparagus....
Squash Fritters....
Butter Beans.......
Garlic Potatoes.....
Warm Banana Bread for D-Zert

Uncle Bob, I love " butter beans" if you mean the giant soft velvety Lima beans I am thinking of. How do you prepare them? What is Twin Oaks Plantation Chicken?

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Were having a late luch / early dinner going to throw some ribeys on the grill. For sides we will have chorizo, potato salad and a mixed veggie salad.
Uncle Bob, I love " butter beans" if you mean the giant soft velvety Lima beans I am thinking of. How do you prepare them? What is Twin Oaks Plantation Chicken?

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Yep...That's the ones... Or First Cousins... Actually these are smaller and greener. Carolina Sieva (pole) variety. You may be talking about the King of the Garden variety which is a much larger bean. Both are delicious. I simmer in salted water, with a pinch of course ground black pepper, seasoned with about 3 or 4 pieces of Tasso...about as big as your little finger, and a small piece or two of bacon end scraps....

Twin Oaks Plantation Chicken is one of the Sunday Dinner Signature dishes here at Twin Oaks Plantation Restaurant.;)
Trying a recipe for Malaysian Beef Curry out of the most recent BA mag. If the spice paste, which I just made, is any indication for the rest of recipe, we're in for a treat!:) It calls for kaffir lime leaves which are impossible to find here, so I'm subbing leaves from the key lime tree.

dh REALLY liked the chicken and noodles, so I made me a chicken salad today to let him have more of the noodle dish

so tonight while watching "Rebel Without a Cause" with James Dean and Natalie Wood, I'll have chicken salad and cole slaw and dh will have some chicken and noodles and a buttered roll. We already had some chocolate bread pudding with whipped cream:pig: but dh usually has a dish of ice cream just before bed..
I have a big pot of Red Beans cooking now. I will make rice and butter milk corn bread later.
I'm making a recipe from an ATK show. Short ribs braised in red wine with bacon and parsnips.
i wish i knew. It's our roommates cooking night. I was going to make a salsa verde pork in the crockpot, but he asked to make dinner. Everyones dinner menus sound delicious though!
Rough day at work. I think I'm leaning towards simply throwing some wings on the grill. There will be less cleanup. The whole bird will come later this week.
Truly my no brainer way to cook wings :rolleyes:


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We had a friends over for lunch so that was our big meal. I made rice with cumin, onion and salt, and sauteed chicken and fresh corn-off-the-cobb in lime juice and basil (was supposed to be cilantro, but there was none fresh in the grocery stores, so I used the pre-chopped stuff I have in a tube in the fridge, but accidentally grabbed the basil instead of the cilantro! Sill tasted great though.). Then we stuffed it all into tortillas with cheddar, salsa verde, and greek yogurt.

Tonight we're just kind of snacking.
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