What's for dinner tonight, Saturday, 1-6-2018?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
We found some fresh chantarelles at Whole Foods, when we were in there looking for something else. A bit pricy, but less than if we ordered them online and paid for shipping. They'll be going in beef stroganoff made with the tail end piece of a whole tenderloin we got at a great price, divided and froze a while back. Hey, I don't feel so bad now about the mushrooms since we got a deal on the steak!
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I'll be making either potatoes and ham casserole or a pot of chili. Not sure which yet. We'll see what I feel like doing in a bit. We're still kind of snowed in. Neighborhood roads are snow packed but the main streets are finally clear. I'm taking it easy too after some surgery Thurs.
Either chicken and mushroom saute over these really tender noodles I can get in OH, or pizza. Depends on whether or not I run out of time to cook. I won't run out, though, if I can stay off DC! :LOL:
I have a chicken breast and some thighs thawing for tonight. I think I'll pan roast them and make some pilaf and green beans to go with it.
Pasta Fazool!!!

I cut back on the pasta and increase the amount of vegetables so it is not really all that authentic. Still it's a great stick to your ribs meal on a cold winter night.

I'm out of salad fixings so I cut up some celery, carrots and red bell pepper to crisp in ice water until supper time, Crudités sounds much more exciting! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
My daughter bought a 6qt, 8in1 pressure cooker this morning.. She got it free with gift cards.. Its a Power Cooker brand instead of the Instant Pot brand that I will be getting when I get my own apartment.. I figured its not a bad thing to try her pot now and compare with what I plan to buy, for myself, later..

First meal will be a tri-tip roast tonight..

We still have leftovers to eat and I don't want to make more till we get through most of them [emoji38] Plus I thawed some ham and bean soup I had made in October for DH because he bought dried peas thinking I could make some [emoji38]

So I'm just making some no-knead tonight. I'll use a quarter of it (the master recipe makes four loaves) to try making the pain d'epi (wheat stalk bread) that CG mentioned last week and then refrigerate the rest for later.
Not the prettiest picture in the world for sure, but it wasn't bad. Craig really liked it. It had some dijon, as well as reconstituted porcini in beef broth. I think I prefer the simpler James Beard version though. Ended up making homemade egg noodles since we didn't have any in pantry and didn't feel like hitting the grocery


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    2018-01-06 17.34.18.jpg
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It was supposed to be chili but DD wants Taylor Ham (pork roll), scrambled eggs, English muffins and sliced tomatoes,
My daughter bought a 6qt, 8in1 pressure cooker this morning.. She got it free with gift cards.. Its a Power Cooker brand instead of the Instant Pot brand that I will be getting when I get my own apartment.. I figured its not a bad thing to try her pot now and compare with what I plan to buy, for myself, later..

First meal will be a tri-tip roast tonight..

You can get tri tips there, Ross? At least that's one thing you won't have to miss from California. I sure hope your daughter has a grill and when warm weather comes, you'll be able to have a Santa Maria barbecue. :yum:

We're having a leftover repeat from last night's dinner.
You can get tri tips there, Ross? At least that's one thing you won't have to miss from California. I sure hope your daughter has a grill and when warm weather comes, you'll be able to have a Santa Maria barbecue. :yum:

We're having a leftover repeat from last night's dinner.

Yes on Santa Maria BBQ... We did lots of that when SIL's family had a ranch and he carries it over to to warm weather here...

Tri-tips are not as proliferate as in Cali but, Gary found a good butcher source after moving here.. Tri-tip is a must have..

DW made a delicious roast pork loin, riced cauliflower, salad, and toasted naan for dinner.

Since I have a rare Saturday night off, we just got a fire going in the fireplace and are kicking back with some hot chocolates. Later, we'll break out the popcorn maker and sour Netflix and CBSAllAccess to watch a movie tonight.

It's just so nice to be home relaxing with my family on such a cold night.
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