What's on your mind right now.

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middie said:
Nothing's on my mind right now. Trying to keep it from drifting to my dad right now.

Think positive thoughts Mid! Think of all the wonderful times you had with him and that'll get you through.

Also, when you do something really stupid like throw the hose down and it squirts you in the face.....look up and say, "I bet you got a kick out of that".......I'm sure he did. Remember, their just a thought away.
Well I'm upstairs on DH computer as their asleep and he got this new mouse and its the oddest thing I've ever seen and I'm wondering what on earth he was thinking when he bought it. Must be a guy thing is all I can figure out. The round scrolly thing is this big red ball with black speckles???????????????
Don't tell but I'd like to chuck it out the window and see if it bounces on the pavement................whoops did I type that............oh well :LOL:
I'm thinking of my neighbors. They're getting divorced. She's moving away :( and he's staying put.:dry: Needless to say, we are now fixing up our house to sell hopefully in 4 or 5 months. She's having a hard time and I'm sad to see her go. It makes me feel very grateful for my husband & kids.
I am thinking what to prepare for my in-laws tonight for dinner. DH is away in sunny Kenya for work so I amhome with my little ones and their Auntie and Uncle.
im thinking of what to cook for my friends for tomorrow's gathering.
I`m considering turning this old Cordless Drill into a Wind turbine if I can`t find a way to make these batteries hold their charge.
I'm thinking of how we are going to pay for daughter's excursion to Europe and a new stove at the same time. Le'ts just not mention that property taxes will figure in twice during that same time period.
I'm thinking its lovely to see mudbug back. I missed her. (PS mud, that SUCKS! but the money will come from somewhere, always does)
Well, thank you, darlin! Missed you all too.

I agree, we will squeeze the dough out somehow. Lately, it's all this kleenex that's been draining the budget...............
I'm thinking about what I want to fix for supper tomorrow night. I've got ground beef, a huge pork roast, stew beef, bacon, & chicken. Since we had chicken tonight, that's out. I'm stuck between beef stew & hot dogs right now.
I'm thinking~ "Why do I sit in front of this bright shiny object all day with a mouse in my hand?":huh:
All I can think about right now is our good friend Duane, he died this morning of cancer. He was one of the nicest people on earth. He did more good deeds than anyone will ever know. He never, ever talked about them. May he rest in peace.
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