What's the last movie you watched?

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We chuckled our way through an hour and a half of fluff film this evening. "Crazy on the Outside" stars Tim Allen and a lot of other named actors - more star power than the skinny little story line warrants, for sure. Still, it was a nice way to just veg instead of watching reruns or yet another awards ceremony. :rolleyes:
I caught the first Godzilla movie last night on TCM for the first time. 1954. It had a couple of famous Japanese actors in it. No American actors like Raymond Burr or Nick Adams in this legit fine original two and a half star first Godzilla movie. :)

There's another big budget Godzilla movie coming out soon. :ohmy:
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Peaceful Warrior, story of young olympic hopeful in training, meeting (Nick Nolte) the peaceful warrior, taught some excellent life lessons. Inspirational. Inspired by true events.
I caught the first Godzilla movie last night on TCM for the first time. 1954. It had a couple of famous Japanese actors in it. No American actors like Raymond Burr or Nick Adams in this legit fine original two and a half star first Godzilla movie. :)

I've seen that move a zillion times. Love the theme music. In fact, I was just humming it the other day...
We watched Ready Player One last night. I had picked up the book last year and read it not knowing a thing about it. It was one of those, "I'm standing in line at Barnes and Noble waiting to buy my latest issue of Cooks Illustrated... Hey, this book looks interesting. I think I'll buy it," moments. Thoroughly enjoyed the book, even if it was pretty cliche.

The movie? If I hadn't read the book I would have really enjoyed it. That said, it's definitely a *prime* example of the book being better than the movie. *Much* better than the movie.
Watched Deadpool on FX the other night, uncut except for commercials. We loved it at the cinema and wanted to see it again to figure out what we missed from laughing the first time.
I really want to see that. I loved the first Mama Mia! Sure wish we had an early matinee like you do - the earliest one is at 1PM. :glare:
Not certain if it was a "special" showing as 11:30 is usual first showing time.. The kicker is that tickets were only $4.89 each. Quite a bit less than published "senior" pricing..

The morning was a win/win.. :LOL:

1975 one star movie on TCM the other night. "Mandingo". Starring James Mason and Perry King, Susan George, A tale of the old south. I'm not trying to be disgusting, but it depicts a slave in the south up for auction. A fat headed fat farm women buyer walks up to the platform, puts her hand inside his briefs. When others say she may be going too far, she curtly remarks back to the crowd "I'm not buying a pig in a poke."

Mandingo just stands there proud, enduring such an invasion of privacy. Did I mention that that women was fat, fat headed stupid ugly?

Susan George is fairly pretty in the lead female role, but boy, does she ever have a vampire looking set of teeth! She has incisors that only a make-up artist would construct, if this were a vampire move.

Yes, it was a one star movie.
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She plays a southern spoiled bitch. She threatens Mandingo with a whipping and false accusations if he doesn't make love to her, to spite her husband, Perry King's character.

The ending is unbelievably stupid. Plantation owner Perry King demands a huge pot of boiling water be made and then tells Mandingo to climb into it....Ya, Right!
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I just re-watched The Usual Suspects. Very dark, and not for everyone. Kevin Spacey is blacklisted now, and he's probably not going to ever be forgiven, but he was an amazing actor. The ending of The Usual Suspects was an incredible movie ending.

"Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze." -- Verbal Kint (Kevin Spacey).

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