xmass hams 09

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Master Chef
Apr 8, 2006
West Seneca NY
I picked up the hams yesterday and will be trimming and curing them tomarrow.
Going to be eating good in a few weeks.
Cant wait to see em. I was just telling the Warden this morning a big old ham sure would taste good. Course we will have to make do with the store bought models..sniff sniff. The stores around here normally start nearly giving them away after New Years. Up till then they dig purty deep into your bolsa.


Hams have been hanging since 5pm yesterday...I got up this morning and started to hit them with some Hickory smoke
Look Great!
What was the temp where you had them hanging? How long did you smoke? Why hang them overnight before smoking?
sorry for all the questions...
Great job Witt. Your exploits in the realm of cured smoked meats are becoming legendary. If we could change your name to where it sounded like some kinda furriner from Eastern Europe and find you a publisher you could write a book and get rich and famous sorta like that other fella with a funny sounding name. I'm thinking something along the line of Witt Davidinski. That should work. Kindly keeps us posted.

Now Griff you know I only commit perjury when the truth just wouldn't work:) Let us work on the dumb Pollack name change. Sure you could handlle the legalize. Pro Bono perhaps? I always liked that phrase. That prob even be tax deductible for a well heeled person who go the long form. Now my favorite is deucus tectum. As far as I can tell that means to bring the breatholayter to coat with ya so the the opponents could coon finger it etc. The technical supervisors did not like that deal.

Regarding duces tecum, you pretty much got the meaning correct but, as is frequently the case, your spelling is a little off. I think the Witt Sausage Co. sounds just fine. and it would save the little Witts learning to spell a new name.
DJ said:
Look Great!
What was the temp where you had them hanging? How long did you smoke? Why hang them overnight before smoking?
sorry for all the questions...
12hrs at 120*
8hrs in the smoke at 145*
and till they hit 152-155* internal at a smokehouse temp of 165*

You hang them at 120* overnight to get the pellicle to form if you check out the Utube links at the top of the page I have a how to video about smoking hams
bigwheel said:
Now Griff you know I only commit perjury when the truth just wouldn't work:) Let us work on the dumb Pollack name change. Sure you could handlle the legalize. Pro Bono perhaps? I always liked that phrase. That prob even be tax deductible for a well heeled person who go the long form. Now my favorite is deucus tectum. As far as I can tell that means to bring the breatholayter to coat with ya so the the opponents could coon finger it etc. The technical supervisors did not like that deal.

I could always use my Grandparents name they were Polish....
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