Heat wave tips from a guy in Texas...

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
A lot of folks are dealing with temperatures that are well above normal for where they live. I worry about you. That's why I started this thread.

In Texas, 100-degree weather happens every summer. Just like you folks up North know how to deal with ice and snow, we down here know how to deal with really hot temperatures.

Tell everybody you know... stay hydrated. Even if you are not thirsty, drink water. TIP: If you don't need to pee as often as normal, you are not drinking enough water.

BTW, carbonated soft drinks are not a replacement for water. Sports drinks like Gatorade are good -- they provide hydration and minerals you lose when you sweat. Coca-Cola does not. Neither does beer. Beer will certainly make you pee, but not for the right reasons. A cold beer is great on a hot day, but it is not a replacement for water.

Also, look after your neighbors, especially elderly neighbors -- especially if they don't have air-conditioning. Don't wait for them to ask you for help. Check on them regularly. And, make sure they drink enough water!!!

If your home does not have air conditioning, think about getting what we call a "window shaker" down here -- a window AC -- and use it to cool off one room in your house. They should cost about 100 to 150 bucks, American. Anyone who jacks up the price during a deadly heat wave should go to prison, IMO.

If you do have AC, and you have a vulnerable friend or neighbor, like a young child or elderly person, let them come to your house during the hottest times.

Treat this heat wave like a reverse blizzard. Both can kill you... unnecessarily.

Good advice. We're expecting 106 tomorrow here in downtown L.A. Inland, in the valleys will be like hell. This is why I moved out of the valley many years ago....
I stocked up on some Gatorade the other day, bought over 3 dozen 32oz bottles on sale at 55 cents each, the zero calorie variety. Been going through at least two bottles every day in this heat.
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We'd love to have you come and sit on our porch with us in Santa Paula RF. It will be plenty hot here tomorrow too, but we should catch a breeze up the valley from the ocean, if we're lucky.

You have good advice Casey and let me add a few ideas. It helps to soak bare feet in ice water, not to mention ice on wrists. A wet cold towel around the neck helps too.
If things cool off at night, you can slow the heating rate during the day by closing the windows as the day starts to warm. Lowering the shades to keep out the sun also helps.
We'd love to have you come and sit on our porch with us in Santa Paula RF. It will be plenty hot here tomorrow too, but we should catch a breeze up the valley from the ocean, if we're lucky.

You have good advice Casey and let me add a few ideas. It helps to soak bare feet in ice water, not to mention ice on wrists. A wet cold towel around the neck helps too.

I do the wet towel around the neck at home and at work. That really helps.

Although we can see a sliver of the ocean from my home we're not getting any on-shore breeze this week. The high pressure cell sends winds out into the ocean.
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Caseydog, you're close to posting a "this is what you're doing wrong" post. :ROFLMAO:

Articles seen on news sites (you're doing it wrong, read here as to why).
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