What's For Dessert?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon

We don't have dessert every night,
but when we do, I do it up!
I made Hershey's Best Brownies,
sans the Creamy Frosting this time (DH loves that!)
topped with Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
and Hershey's York Peppermint Sundae Syrup

How about you, what did you have?
Halloween candy assortment! Two mini Heath Bars and 5 mini packs of strawberry Twizzlers. And somehow a mini Kit Kat snuck in there, how'd that happen? :huh:

Love mint chocolate chip ice cream.
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You are all Bad !!!! ( Only because it looks lip smacking good and I don't have any) :mad:
and I'm not going back into town which was MANIC because tomorrow is a holiday here and some shops are closed for a whole half day! Yes you did
read that right. :ohmy:
And I didn't sleep at all well last night....
and I'm getting fat.....
and ...................................It will have to be the cooking chocolate, these are desperate times :wacko:
Today is our wedding anniversary and, as we've set tradition, we'll be having wedding cake for our dessert.

Every year on our anniversary, we have the bakery that made our wedding cake make an 8-inch version of it.

We're looking forward to it. I'll take a picture of it later and share it. Too bad I can't share the cake, too. It's so delicious, which is one of the reasons we like to enjoy it again on our anniversary.
I don't have a sweet tooth, so I'm very boring when it comes to dessert. I'm not a fan of ice cream or candy, unless it's dark chocolate. If I'm really craving something, I usually have some fruit. Right now I have pomegranates in the fridge.

If I'm feeling like being decadent, I might have a sugar-free popsicle. :LOL:
Today is our wedding anniversary and, as we've set tradition, we'll be having wedding cake for our dessert.

Every year on our anniversary, we have the bakery that made our wedding cake make an 8-inch version of it.

We're looking forward to it. I'll take a picture of it later and share it. Too bad I can't share the cake, too. It's so delicious, which is one of the reasons we like to enjoy it again on our anniversary.

Katie, what a terrific way to celebrate your special day.
How many years have you and yours been married?
What kind of cake do you have?
I have a picture of our wedding cake somewhere,
unfortunately the shop that our cake is no more
(not to mention 3000 miles away from us now)
but it was so good that guests at our wedding were trying to steal cake from each other :ninja:
I'll find that photo ...
Katie, what a terrific way to celebrate your special day.
How many years have you and yours been married?
What kind of cake do you have?
I have a picture of our wedding cake somewhere,
unfortunately the shop that our cake is no more
(not to mention 3000 miles away from us now)
but it was so good that guests at our wedding were trying to steal cake from each other :ninja:
I'll find that photo ...

I was a widow when Glenn and I were married. This year is our 5th anniversary.

Our cake is a vanilla-butternut with raspberry filling and vanilla buttercream icing. The cake recipe is one the bakery developed and is beyond tasty. We just love it and our anniversary is a justifiable excuse to enjoy another cake.

Our anniversary cake is just like our wedding cake, except smaller. Our wedding cake topper was a blue motorcycle. We're bike riders and our bike is blue.
Nov. 6th is the Church Fair. I am going to make a Lemon Poppy Seed Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting. Today after I get back from running errands, I am going to candy the lemon slices for the outside. And then get all the dry ingredients together in a large plastic bag. :angel:
I don't have a sweet tooth, so I'm very boring when it comes to dessert. I'm not a fan of ice cream or candy, unless it's dark chocolate. If I'm really craving something, I usually have some fruit. Right now I have pomegranates in the fridge.

If I'm feeling like being decadent, I might have a sugar-free popsicle. :LOL:

Pics 029.jpg

For the entire year of 2013, I had DH a regime to take off
his extra poundage (95 pounds in total after it was all said and done)
and I would make this dessert for DH to get over that hump.
I'd get different flavored light yogurts and do up a parfait
using fresh fruits and cereal (Kashi Go Lean Cinnamon Crumble)
and believe it or not, it was GOOD!
Quite satisfying really, and he still requests this for dessert :yum:
This morning I mixed up pumpkin pie from the Libby's Pumpkin label. Used a store-bought crust and ended up with way too much filling. In full uh-oh mode, I crushed some gingersnaps, added soft butter for a crumb 'crust,' and in the end had a full pie and six Uh-Oh Pumpkin Tarts, although they're more like muffins with a soft pumpkin top. :yum: Who needs Mighty Mouse?

Is anyone besides me picturing Andy Kaufman doing his lip-sync of the Mighty Mouse theme -- "Here I come to save the day."
I made too much pumpkin filling one time. I took the remaining batter, added flour and baking powder and turned it into yummy waffles. They were a hit with the pumpkin pie flavor. The texture was crispy on the outside, and soft inside.

Your solution sounds yummy too. I'm thinking both would be great with a little Chantilly cream on top.

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
This morning I mixed up pumpkin pie from the Libby's Pumpkin label. Used a store-bought crust and ended up with way too much filling. In full uh-oh mode, I crushed some gingersnaps, added soft butter for a crumb 'crust,' and in the end had a full pie and six Uh-Oh Pumpkin Tarts, although they're more like muffins with a soft pumpkin top. :yum: Who needs Mighty Mouse?

Is anyone besides me picturing Andy Kaufman doing his lip-sync of the Mighty Mouse theme -- "Here I come to save the day."

I have always found that the Libby's recipe does make a lot of filling. So you need a really deep dish pie plate. Not the standard Pyrex one.

I used to know all the words to Might Mouse. Used to go around the house singing it until the kids one day told me to SHUT UP! How rude.


Well, with all this talk of Halloween candy, I finally broke down and bought myself a Hershey's Chocolate bar. Dark chocolate. That's it for the year. :angel:
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For the entire year of 2013, I had DH a regime to take off
his extra poundage (95 pounds in total after it was all said and done)
and I would make this dessert for DH to get over that hump.
I'd get different flavored light yogurts and do up a parfait
using fresh fruits and cereal (Kashi Go Lean Cinnamon Crumble)
and believe it or not, it was GOOD!
Quite satisfying really, and he still requests this for dessert :yum:

I sometimes have yogurt for breakfast with blueberries, fresh squeezed lemon juice, and splenda. I've been trying not to keep cereal or breads in the house just to cut back on the carbs a bit. But that does sound good.
I sometimes have yogurt for breakfast with blueberries, fresh squeezed lemon juice, and splenda. I've been trying not to keep cereal or breads in the house just to cut back on the carbs a bit. But that does sound good.


When I need a simple low carb dessert I make cannoli filling and serve it in a wine glass. Ricotta cheese, whipped cream, almond or vanilla extract, cinnamon and a packet or two of splenda folded together. Garnish can be a few chopped pistachio nuts and or a grating of bitter chocolate.

This stuff is so good it makes me think I'm still in the game! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
I also have yogurt (vanilla flavored, but I like the idea of using extract - mine is homemade) for breakfast sometimes, with honey, fresh fruit and and a sprinkle of nuts or granola. It makes a great dessert, too :)
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Dear Niece-in-law emailed me a new recipe for Fresh Apple Cake,
saying that it was the best she's ever had.
Not crazy about the icing.
So for breakfast this morning, we each whacked off a hunk
and scraped off the icing

What was wrong with the icing? The cake looks like something served in the Big Hall for Henry VIII.

I once watch a show many, many moons ago about the food served at the feasts for dear ole Henry. It was cooked with what recipes were available from that time. The stuffed heart of a stag turned me off. But I was interested in the desserts. :angel:
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