Midweek supper, what are you having? 2023 July 18

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
We had cold smoke salmon on bagels with cream cheese and onion. There were also capers and pickled onions. I made a Southwest Inspired bean salad to with it. That salad is really tasty. We had to make ourselves stop eating so there would be some left for another day. I forgot to bring my phone to supper, so no pix.

What about you?
I broke out my little red baskets that were maligned on another thread to plate my shrimp baskets. Tossed liners in the trash and placed baskets in the dishwasher after. Needed coleslaw though.

I made a stir-fry (steamed) onions, water chestnuts, mushrooms, red and orange peppers, broccoli, yellow and green zucchini. Served over brown basmati rice with a garlic sauce I threw together, minced garlic, water, soy sauce, honey, ground walnuts, mashed white beans. Delicious.
We had cold smoke salmon on bagels with cream cheese and onion. There were also capers and pickled onions. I made a Southwest Inspired bean salad to with it. That salad is really tasty. We had to make ourselves stop eating so there would be some left for another day. I forgot to bring my phone to supper, so no pix.

What about you?
It's just me so I'm usually eating some leftovers. I have a refrigerator that started rattling a little over a week ago which is probably the compressor going out so I've been eating up everything in there and only buying basics.

I still have some left over chicken and then I'll probably eat the two helpings of Frozen spaghetti casserole that I put in the freezer about 3 weeks ago. I still have some pork loin chops in the freezer and I made some last week. They've been one of my favorites for a few months now. Easy and just doing it with flour spices and Lawry seasoning. But I just had them.

And I still have half pound ground beef and half pound ground sausage in there but I just had spaghetti so unless I would try to do a meatloaf with it I'm not sure. I have not made meatloaf with sausage in it yet. If I do make it I'm going to make barbecue meatloaf probably with oatmeal.
I made a dish with about 10 okra I had (they're starting to produce, now that it's hot), plus about 3 c of eggplants, cut up, and both of these veggies stir-fried, until browned in spots, then set aside, while a tomato sauce is made in the Instant Pot, starting with onions, then peppers, then some minced garlic, plus some thyme, parsley, and some of the basils, to cook down a bunch of chopped up tomatoes. Then I put in some more water, half the rest of the basils (I always use a lot of it!), some whole oats that I soaked a couple of hours, 3/4 c toor dal, and 1/2 c red lentils, and set to cook 8 min, then let it release 10 min, then released the rest manually. Then I put the eggplant and okra in, and simmered it just 8 minutes, since the veggies were pre-cooked. Then I stirred in the remaining basils, a little more salt, and this was done.
One dish meal - the ratatouille seasonings on eggplant and okra, with 2 dals and whole oats. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I broke out my little red baskets that were maligned on another thread to plate my shrimp baskets. Tossed liners in the trash and placed baskets in the dishwasher after. Needed coleslaw though.
I really like this! The little red baskets to enhance the idea of being in a mom and pop restaurant - this gives the diner a touch point and is a great bit of fun.
I often do things like this for guests (ie: I have patterned hamburger paper for the feel of a fast food joint).
Looks delicious too 🫠👨‍🍳🤤
I broke out my little red baskets that were maligned on another thread to plate my shrimp baskets. Tossed liners in the trash and placed baskets in the dishwasher after. Needed coleslaw though.

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Let them laugh!
In the days before the modern fast food burger joints things like chicken in a basket or shrimp in a basket were quite popular.
We have large family gatherings where we take turns cooking. On the last one, we made Philly cheesesteak sandwiches. Because I thought it would be fun as well as easy clean up, we both a brace of red baskets that were a hit with the family. They go into a dishwasher just fine.

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