Who likes Girl Scout Cookies?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
i love peanut butter patties and thin mints. i keep them in the freezer, i love them frozen.

i just found a site with copy cats of both!! i can't wait to try them! i am so excited :chef:
:shock: Did you .... did you say Thin Mints??? :ohmy: Please bring a quadruple batch when ya come to "Montanny"
would you like me to post the links sweetie pie?

oh and if i do bring them it will cost ya!! LOL
Sweetie pie? Sweetie Pie??? -- Flattery will get you no where!! Ya still gonna have to clean fish, cook cornbread, and bait your own hook when ya get to "Montanny":LOL:

Post the link, and bring them too!! - Everything is negotiable...:cool:

Sweetie pie? Sweetie Pie??? -- Flattery will get you no where!! Ya still gonna have to clean fish, cook cornbread, and bait your own hook when ya get to "Montanny":LOL:

Post the link, and bring them too!! - Everything is negotiable...:cool:

Oh my,
I've never had a Girl Scout cookie that I didn't like! (as demonstrated by my waistline)........
Oh my,
I've never had a Girl Scout cookie that I didn't like! (as demonstrated by my waistline)........
LOL :LOL: i completely understand. there is an pizza place called pizza town that i have been going to forever and someone who works there/or owner has a girl scout in the family because at certain times of the year they are selling boxes at the register. jeeeeeeeeeeez the price is high for the amount of cookies you get in a box. when i sold them they were ....... hmmmmmmmmm maybe i shouldn't date myself with a price :LOL:
are you ready?


Homemade Tagalongs (a.k.a. Peanut Butter Patties)

Homemade Thin Mints


uncle Bob is your lower lip quivering? if so don't look at the pictures!! :LOL:
Unfortunatley MsMofet,
Price is no option when it come to GS cookies and my stomach!!!
:LOL: well make your own and you can probabaly tide yourself over till it is cookie selling/buying time again. we wouldn't want you to go into withdrawal.:LOL: they usually set up a table outside the voting place in november and the pizza place sells them in jan or feb by me.
I like to suck milk through a thin mint, take a bite on opposite sides, then use like a (albeit short, fat) straw... mmm. It softens the cookie on the inside, chocolate coating stays firm.
I like to suck milk through a thin mint, take a bite on opposite sides, then use like a (albeit short, fat) straw... mmm. It softens the cookie on the inside, chocolate coating stays firm.
LOL i like them frozen and dipped. what do you do put the milk in a saucer? :LOL: like a putty tat.
I used to be a Girl Scout. I think that's when I got hooked.

*stands and addresses the crowd*

Hi. I'm Kathleen and I'm a girlscoutcookie-a holic
I used to be a Girl Scout. I think that's when I got hooked.

*stands and addresses the crowd*

Hi. I'm Kathleen and I'm a girlscoutcookie-a holic
me also *3 fingers up* and my mom was the leader several years.
Oh! but the Peanut Butter cookies that i like are the cookies that are coated in chocolate and the peanut butter is in the center. YUMMY!
Oh! but the Peanut Butter cookies that i like are the cookies that are coated in chocolate and the peanut butter is in the center. YUMMY!
those are the tagalongs (peanut butter patties) click the link they look good!! i make a homemade pecan sandie shortbread cookie that is yummy.

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