Artificial Maple Syrups?

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
Do they make artificial maple syrups from a lab that contain chemically the same as natural maple syrup without tapping trees? Natural maple syrup is very expensive. And many fake maple syrups contain no actual maple. Just something that might taste similar. Have they made "real" artificial maple syrup like they've made artificial diamonds that can't be told from mines ones?
I haven't heard of any. But, I live in Canada, so I would rather go without, use something else, or dilute the real stuff with a plain sugar syrup or water than use the fake stuff.
I'm sure they have attempted to do that, but it probably costs much more to do than it costs to make the real stuff, while things like diamonds make it worth their while.

One of the ingredients used in "artificial" maple flavor is fenugreek seeds.
I'm sure they have attempted to do that, but it probably costs much more to do than it costs to make the real stuff, while things like diamonds make it worth their while.

One of the ingredients used in "artificial" maple flavor is fenugreek seeds.
I can see that! I always thought fenugreek seeds smelled like maple syrup. Just never thought it through to this conclusion.
I haven't heard of any. But, I live in Canada, so I would rather go without, use something else, or dilute the real stuff with a plain sugar syrup or water than use the fake stuff.
What is the price per bottle there? How many ounces?
Grade b is no longer the classification. It's now a fairly meaningless umbrella classification that encompasses just about anything.
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