Bay Scallop ideas

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Assistant Cook
Nov 11, 2008
I've got a pound of bay scallops (the tiny kind) and I'm wondering if anyone has any intersting recipies for them. I'm probubly going to split it in half and try two diferent recipies, since as usual, I'm cooking for one. Last time i made them, I made a scampi, and I'm looking to try something diferent.

Any ideas?
I love those sweet little bay scallops. Use them to make seafood pasta, adding shrimp and/or Crab Delights if you wish, or use them in a stir fry.
The last time I had those, I also had tiny brussels sprouts, and I sauteed them together with some garlic and white wine and used it as a pasta sauce. It was extremely wonderful. :chef:
How about in a nice rich "Coquille St. Jacques"? I'm sure there are dozens of recipes around for that - all delicious. In fact, when I buy pre-pared versions of this, I always save & wash the large scallop shells they're served in to use when I make my own. If you don't have scallop shells to serve, they're just as good served in individual baking dishes or ramekins.

My other favorite way to enjoy good dry-pack bay scallops is to simply season them & broil them very quickly, then serve just with lemon wedges or, to gild the lily, melted lemon garlic butter.
Had to look up Coquille St. Jacques. It sounds delicous!!! Do you have a favorite recipie for it?
Naw - I just use one from virtually any cookbook I have on hand or online. They're all basically the same with a few variations - & all very easy to put together. Probably the only additions I like to add to these recipes (if they're not already included) is to add some chopped sauteed mushrooms & red bell pepper (or canned/jarred roasted red peppers) for color. Also, since I'm a big-time cheese lover, I usually add extra grated parmesan or gruyere cheese on top.

Just pick any recipe that sounds good to you & give it a try. Then next time around you'll know how you might want to adapt it. Evolutionary cooking at its best. ;)

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