I think there was some subliminal message in TimBear's post early in February, "Smoked Corned Beef on a Beautiful Saturday," and
since then I've been thinking of a Reuben Sandwich. When I was at Meijer's and saw a case full of Corned Beef Briskets I knew it was time.
With some great advice from a number of Centerlites I was off to smokin' a corned beef brisket. Thank you one and all.
Rinsed it for two hours, draining the water off every 30 minutes.
Off to the WSM.
It actually took far longer than I thought 6+ hours, it got to 165° and would not move so I wrapped it after 5 hours.
At 195° it was like butter, so I opened the vents, took out the water pan let it heat up, ended up getting the WSM to 350° and
glazed it with the sauce Nick suggested.
All glazed up.
Getting ready to slice.
Sliced pretty thin.
It really looked and tasted great. Much better than my first two attemptes at a full sized packers.
And the sandwich I had been waiting for.
It was so good I went back to Meijer's and got 4 more to smoke and then use the Food Saver to save for later. Thanks again one and all for all the great suggestions.