December 10 - Whatcha eatin'?

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Linguini with a tomato sauce prepared with a lot of sweet Italian sausage, topped with grated Parmesan.

Very, very old school.

The beloved Bears convincingly defeated the hated Lions earlier in the day, so I am torn as to what constitutes the day's highlight: a rare victory from my favorite football team or a throwback pasta dinner like what I mastered over 30 years ago. All in all a nice Sunday.
Chow Mein and Egg Foo Young. (Supposed to have sprig rolls but forgot about them until right as I was about to serve dinner. This is the 3rd time I forgot about them).


  • Veg chow mein.png
    Veg chow mein.png
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  • egg foo yung.png
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Linguini with a tomato sauce prepared with a lot of sweet Italian sausage, topped with grated Parmesan.

Very, very old school.

The beloved Bears convincingly defeated the hated Lions earlier in the day, so I am torn as to what constitutes the day's highlight: a rare victory from my favorite football team or a throwback pasta dinner like what I mastered over 30 years ago. All in all a nice Sunday.
The pasta is icing on the cake because the reason for it being a wonderful Sunday is:


Sadly, I will live in a house divided next Sunday. 🐻 🟫 🐻
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