Dinner Friday, August 25

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
Since Rascal started the Saturday thread, here's one for Friday.

I need to cook some boneless skinless chicken breasts. I think I'll make a bowl style dish with pan-fried chicken, baby potatoes and artichoke hearts in the air fryer, all with Greek seasoning, diced fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, and feta cheese. Pix later.
Thanks for getting me back on track lol.

I took out a small rack of babyback ribs earlier to thaw. Just got them in the oven, seasoned and wrapped in foil. Probably peas and mashed potatoes. Dinner at 9:30-10.

I got a bunch when they were on sale for $1.99 lb and froze them. I love a bargain! Perfect size for 2 people.

I made a delicious creole type dish in the Instant Pot today, a rice dish, like jambalaya, but some venison/pork chorizo sausage, that I added some smoke seasoning to, so it had similar andouille seasonings. I started by pre-cooking the sausage, on high sauté, and while cooking, I cut up onion, green pepper, and celery, and started cooking them in some olive oil, after setting the meat aside. While cooking this "Holy Trinity", I cut up the tomatoes, garlic, okra, and beans, and got the bay leaves, cloves, and Syrian oregano (my easy way to get thyme flavor) ready, and when the onions started browning, added the garlic and cloves, stirring just a minute. Then I added the blended tomatoes, and rinsed out the blender with another 2 c of water, and added that, and 4 fresh bay leaves. Cooked that down on sauté medium, about 5 minutes, then added about 2½ c of okra, and 1¼ c parboiled rice, mixed well, salted with about 3/4 tsp salt (more in sausage, later), then set to cook on pressure cook/low for 15 minutes, then let pressure release naturally (took about 8 minutes). Then I added the cut up beans, and cooked sausage, mixed well, and let it sit for 10 minutes, cooking with retained heat. The beans needed 2 more minutes cooking, and that was it! Got over 3 qts of the rice mix.
Tomatoes for the creole dish, a little over 3 c, after blending. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Cooking the onion, green peppers, and celery - the Holy Trinity - for the creole dish, on high sauté in IP. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Syrian oregano, what I use for most things calling for thyme. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Okra added to the tomatoes, after cooking down some with the seasonings. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Several different beans I'm adding to the creole dish at the end, with the pre-cooked meat, like adding the shrimp to jambalaya at the end, to avoid overcooking. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Some homemade sausage, with venison and pork, pre-cooked in the IP on sauté. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished Creole type dish, with beans, okra, sausage, and parboiled rice. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
So 2kg of blue mussels on sale for $2.99 because it was the last "Best Before" date. .... hmm, took a chance and bought them. Out of 62 mussels in the pkg - only 24 would not close. OK, so I took a chance. Guess I didn't do so well. Anyhow I cooked them up and separated them (sauce from mussels) and will have them... whenever. But I will let the store know they should put them on sale at least 1 or 2 days before the BBD!

Come to think of it - supper was a of slice of cheese and then some popcorn shared with the grands.... they got me distracted on the trampoline and I never got around to making anything. I'll do better tomorrow. :flowers: promise!
So 2kg of blue mussels on sale for $2.99 because it was the last "Best Before" date. .... hmm, took a chance and bought them. Out of 62 mussels in the pkg - only 24 would not close. OK, so I took a chance. Guess I didn't do so well. Anyhow I cooked them up and separated them (sauce from mussels) and will have them... whenever. But I will let the store know they should put them on sale at least 1 or 2 days before the BBD!

Come to think of it - supper was a of slice of cheese and then some popcorn shared with the grands.... they got me distracted on the trampoline and I never got around to making anything. I'll do better tomorrow. :flowers: promise!
Quite honestly, I'll pry the ones that won't open OPEN and I'll eat them if they don't look off! My husband looks at me and shakes his head. I've not gotten sick though (fingers crossed) and they tasted good.
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Still feeling under the weather. I was going to throw some sausages in the toaster oven, but I couldn't find them in our over-stuffed freezer. So, we ordered Lebanese food. DH got a shish taouk pita and falafel pita. I had the combo platter (shish taouk and shwarma), rice, salad, pickled turnip, toum, hummus, and a pita. It was very good and satisfying. I ate too much. DH used my extra pita to make himself another sandwich with both shish taouk and shwarma, salad, toum, and hummus.
Still feeling under the weather. I was going to throw some sausages in the toaster oven, but I couldn't find them in our over-stuffed freezer. So, we ordered Lebanese food. DH got a shish taouk pita and falafel pita. I had the combo platter (shish taouk and shwarma), rice, salad, pickled turnip, toum, hummus, and a pita. It was very good and satisfying. I ate too much. DH used my extra pita to make himself another sandwich with both shish taouk and shwarma, salad, toum, and hummus.
That's so great you can get that delivered!
Jusa, the only mussels I ever toss are ones with broken shells or ones that don't close prior to cooking. Even those I give a 2nd chance. Put aside the ones that look like they might close, then after washing and checking all, I give a good tap to them again. More often than not, they will close... albeit slowly, LOL. and in they go!
Also any that don't open from cooking I throw back in the pot and cook a little longer. I've never had one not open and like you, I've never had a problem.

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