Dinner Sunday, 8-5-2018 ~ National Underwear Day

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
Along with many other "holidays", today is National Underwear Day. If you're going commando, we don't need to know. ;) :LOL:

We're having dressed chicken breasts on the grill, probably seasoned with TJ's African Smoke Seasoning. Sides will be a veggie (broccoli or green beans - which ever one I decide will not go as well with the brats and kraut tomorrow) and a different Farro salad from the Washington Post: Herbed Farro Salad With Walnuts, Feta, and Spinach. I'll be adjusting that one right out of the gate, though, since I'm out of spinach but have arugula that will be subbed in.

What is your meal plan for today?
I'm trying a recipe called Spanish garlic shrimp. It's served over toasted baguette slices. I also have a Thai cucumber salad that will cut some of the fat in the shrimp recipe.
Left overs from lunch..made a bunch of burgers and dogs for GF's family who were here for a birthday lunch....after everybody left I fell asleep most of the afternoon..that's what you get when you combine 4 a.m. bed time, 4 hours sleep, two cold beers and a morning in 90 degree weather.
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CG, I saw that it is National Underwear Day on a news feed earlier today...is nothing sacred anymore? :ROFLMAO: I always kind of wondered why a ladies undergarment is called a "pair". Now I know. :LOL:

I grilled a few chicken thighs earlier today. One will be for dinner with fresh corn on the cob, the rest I cut up for chicken salad sandwiches.
Burger with muenster & American cheese, onion, ketchup and homemade pickles. Tomato, onion, lettuce and pretzel sticks on the side.


I need to go grocery shopping first. I am leaning toward a frozen California Pizza Margherita pizza to bring home and bake. That, or order a pizza delivery. I'm in a pizza mood.

For desert, some fresh fruit of the loom. :rolleyes:

Homemade spinach/garlic pasta with a sauce of leeks, guanciale, cream, butter, and Parm R.


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    2018-08-05 19.11.30.jpg
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I'm trying a recipe called Spanish garlic shrimp. It's served over toasted baguette slices. I also have a Thai cucumber salad that will cut some of the fat in the shrimp recipe.

DUD. I know this because SO said so.:(
Three mini tortilla bowls with some beef taco filling, salsa, onion, cheese.

Zapped, burnt my palm, my tongue and the roof of my mouth. :mad:
but they were good none-the-less.

I make the beef taco up and freeze 2 servings per bag and each serving actually fill two of the mini bowls.


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I made an English roast, leg of lamb, my families fave. Broccoli and cauliflower bake with cheese sauce. And steamed cabbage and roast potatoes,carrots,pumpkin,kumara, and parsnip. Home made gravy with Vegemite in it. Fed 10 of my family, like I do every Sunday night.

That smoked turkey roast turned out great, so we had killer mile high sandwiches with thin sliced smoked turkey/red onion/tomato/avocado/shredded lettuce on big toasted bolillo rolls.

Potato salad and pickles were the sides.
...Farro salad from the Washington Post: Herbed Farro Salad With Walnuts, Feta, and Spinach. I'll be adjusting that one right out of the gate, though, since I'm out of spinach but have arugula that will be subbed in...
This was tasty! Himself said that the greens were too big, but I was hungry and in a hurry and figured the arugula and parsley looked small enough to me. I'll also make it with the recommended spinach next time, just because I'll be better prepared.


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This was tasty! Himself said that the greens were too big, but I was hungry and in a hurry and figured the arugula and parsley looked small enough to me. I'll also make it with the recommended spinach next time, just because I'll be better prepared.

Tell Himself not to get his panties in a wad, it's just a salad. :mrgreen:

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