Dinner, tuesday, 9/28/2010

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Cold eye round roast with hot burgundy gravy, fresh green beans & spaetzle (cooked beans & spaetzle sautéed in bacon fat & butter with bacon, green onions, 1 clove garlic, parsley, salt & ground pepper) and buttered steamed Brussels sprouts.



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Cold eye round roast with hot burgundy gravy, fresh green beans & spaetzle (cooked beans & spaetzle sautéed in bacon fat & butter with bacon, green onions, 1 clove garlic, parsley, salt & ground pepper) and buttered steamed Brussels sprouts.

That looks really really good!
yins cooking dinner this evening, or.......
How are you doing sweet girlie?

It is 8:19 and I still don't know what I want to eat! I'm opting for fast and easy, so maybe a burrito. Or I might have either hot and sour or miso soup. Or maybe just a big baked potato with a giganto-blob of sour cream. You know the commercials for Daisy sour cream? Well, I don't "do a dollop," I do a "wallop!" :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

Heeheehee--I might add that last line to my signature. LOL
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Everyone's dinners sound wonderful, and I love the pictures that msmofet and Dave posted. Tonight we had burgers, potato salad and sliced tomatoes. Not exactly an Autumn menu, but it's so disgustingly humid and sticky here, I didn't want to even turn on the stove.

That's all for now . . . got to go see how the Yankee game is going.

Everyone's dinners sound wonderful, and I love the pictures that msmofet and Dave posted. Tonight we had burgers, potato salad and sliced tomatoes. Not exactly an Autumn menu, but it's so disgustingly humid and sticky here, I didn't want to even turn on the stove.

That's all for now . . . got to go see how the Yankee game is going.
That sounds really good too! The food of course, not the humid and sticky--we get enough of that in South Carolina!

Those pictures are gorgeous you two !! Ms. is your spatzle idea something you came up with on your own?.......ykies, I could eat a whole plate of that and be happy.
I marinated some chicken thighs and grilled them. Green salad and garlic toast. Good for a hot night.

Everyone's dinners sound wonderful, and I love the pictures that msmofet and Dave posted. Tonight we had burgers, potato salad and sliced tomatoes. Not exactly an Autumn menu, but it's so disgustingly humid and sticky here, I didn't want to even turn on the stove.

That's all for now . . . got to go see how the Yankee game is going.

Those pictures are gorgeous you two !! Ms. is your spatzle idea something you came up with on your own?.......ykies, I could eat a whole plate of that and be happy.
I marinated some chicken thighs and grilled them. Green salad and garlic toast. Good for a hot night.
Thank you LC & Kayelle!!

I love the Birds Eye Bavarian beans and decided I wanted to try and recreate them. So when I went to the farm market I saw a bag of spaetzle and that was the begining of my creation. I just cut some bacon across the slices and cooked till crisp then removed from pan. Added butter to the small amount of bacon fat in the pan then added 1 minced glove of garlic, 3 sliced green onions and sauteed till soft. I steamed the fresh green beans and cooked the pasta in salted water (then drained); cooked both till firm tender. When the beans and spaetzle were cooked I tossed them into the pan with the butter, fat, onions and garlic. Tossed over medium heat add the bacon back to pan and a sprinkled of parsley and serve.
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