Dishwasher detergent that won't completely dissolve

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
Do you know why it is often that the dishwasher tablet won't dissolve completely after the cycle has finished?
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  • photo_2022-02-23_11-55-14.jpg
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Two thoughts:

1. Water not hot enough

2. Detergent had been exposed to moisture and parts hardened so as not to dissolve... especially in water not hot enough.

One thing about dishwashers is that they deliberatly use super hot water to clean the dishes.
haven't thought about that
i'm always using the "automatic" setting

i can't make it more hot because i've plastic containers there too..
Check to make sure you're getting good water pressure to the machine. Also, check the water input line. There might be a screen in the connector that is getting clogged, thus reducing input flow.
If your plastics are "dishwasher safe" they are usually put on the top shelf.

Otherwise like the rest of us... you wash the plastics by hand. :ROFLMAO:
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Pods are expected to completely dissolve in hot water,
but it looks like there isn't enough flow/spray/pressure.

How old is the unit? What brand?

It could be the pump is dying, which isn't worth replacing. Buy a new one.

We ordered a new dishwasher on Black Friday (the day after American Thanksgiving), and we still don't know when it will come in.

It's on a ship off the coast of California, becuase, you know: equity.
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If there is a tall item directly in front of the detergent tab tray, the water flow to the tray may be blocked preventing complete dissolving. Try rearranging the items in the top tray so the tray isn't blocked.
If there is a tall item directly in front of the detergent tab tray, the water flow to the tray may be blocked preventing complete dissolving. Try rearranging the items in the top tray so the tray isn't blocked.

It is important you find the answer to the non-dissolving detergent.
What detergent is left is also 'probably' leaving a film on your dishes.
This film will be dried extra hard in the drying cycle (if you use it, my ex would turn off that cycle :rolleyes: )

Eventually you might find that it will depart a taste to your food.
If there is a tall item directly in front of the detergent tab tray, the water flow to the tray may be blocked preventing complete dissolving. Try rearranging the items in the top tray so the tray isn't blocked.

it might be it....

people, what kind of detergent do you use for dish-washing?
Have you tried different brands of detergent? Or maybe liquid? My Mom, decades ago, when the detergent was powder or liquid, and when she used powder, there would be some specks of powder left on dishes - it just didn't dissolve. So she always used liquids, once those became available.

I have a Bosch DW much older than yours, and I never have a problem with it in auto mode. The brand I use is FINISH, though I'm sure brands there are different.
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