Do you wear your mask at drive-thru's?

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Head Chef
Dec 5, 2018
Columbus, Ohio
Here in Ohio, we're under a mask mandate for all counties beginning today (not all counties were included in the mandate until now) although I've been wearing my mask(s) for a while now. Mostly the only place I go, other than work, is the grocery store. But sometimes my son and I like to get a little fast food treat and today we got McDonald's.

(yeah, okay, I don't eat it often, but about twice a year I gotta have my Big Mac)

Anyway, all that aside, I've been wearing my mask at the drive-thru because, hey, we're less than 6 feet away from the people at the window, so I figure it's best to put my mask on before I get up there. However, so far I've noticed that not many people at all wear their mask in the drive-thru. I continue to wear mine, but am I alone out there? I think we should wear our masks at drive-thru windows, but it appears to me, from my last few stops to grab food, that I'm the odd man out.


(my apologies if this has already been discussed)
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I wear a mask whenever I leave my house and don't take it off until I get back in the house. My state, New Mexico, had had a mask mandate to wear one at all times for at least a month. Now people are starting to get fined for not wearing one and a lot of people are wearing them now! It took a while to get everyone on board to wearing them.
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I wear a mask whenever I leave my house and don't take it off until I get back in the house. My state, New Mexico, had had a mask mandate to wear one at all times for at least a month. Now people are starting to get fined for not wearing one and a lot of people are wearing them now! It took a while to get everyone on board to wearing them.

There are folks getting downright 'in the faces' of those not wearing masks and freaking out over it. Me, I just do what I'm supposed to do and keep to myself. If some people aren't wearing masks, I just avoid them as much as I can and go on about my business. I have no desire to get into an altercation with someone about it.

Whatever the case, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who wears a mask in drive-thru's.
I've only been to one drive thru once since this began..that would be In N Out Burgers only known out here in the west. The staff that work there, not to mention their food are the best of the best anywhere in the country. Those polite kids are ones any parent would be proud to have and all of them were masked, naturally. You bet I wore a mask, because I care about those young people.
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I do. I don't go out much, but when I go to a doctor's office. I sometimes stop at a fast food place for a meal. I wear my mask during the drive-through and I have a mask on, I expect that most national chains will have their e
We wear our masks everywhere we go.

We wear them when dining out, until we are seated and again at the end of our meal. If we walk into a place where staff is mask-less, we leave. Seldom do drive thru but, wear a mask when we pull up, until we leave.

I wear at drive thru and gas stations. Anywhere I go in or am outside except walking to car. I don’t wear in car when driving and windows are up.
Haven't been to a fast food drive-thru since the virus assaulted us, but intend to do so soon for a change of pace, and will definitely wear a mask while doing it.
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I wear at drive thru and gas stations. Anywhere I go in or am outside except walking to car. I don’t wear in car when driving and windows are up.

This is where I always forget, for some reason. I don't know what it is about putting gas in my car, but I don't remember my mask until I'm finished and driving away, thinking oh crap, I forgot again.

I think it's because I have this mentality that I'm outdoors and our rule here is you must wear a mask in ANY public indoor setting and outdoors "if social distancing is not possible." And the little gas station I stop at on my way to work is rarely ever busy that time in the morning and, in most cases, I'm the only one there or I'm at the pump on the far end where no one else is standing.
This is where I always forget, for some reason. I don't know what it is about putting gas in my car, but I don't remember my mask until I'm finished and driving away, thinking oh crap, I forgot again.

I think it's because I have this mentality that I'm outdoors and our rule here is you must wear a mask in ANY public indoor setting and outdoors "if social distancing is not possible." And the little gas station I stop at on my way to work is rarely ever busy that time in the morning and, in most cases, I'm the only one there or I'm at the pump on the far end where no one else is standing.

I think you are correct. There is no reason to wear a mask if there is no one close by.
I think you are correct. There is no reason to wear a mask if there is no one close by.

Well, that's what they're suggesting, anyway. But I still feel guilty for not putting it on. I mean, what if I'm pumping gas and someone pulls up to use the pump right on the other side of me? I'm not going to leave the pump to get back into my car to retrieve my mask at that point. You're not supposed to do that anyway, get back into your car once you've started pumping your gas.

So I'll try and make it a point to remember to put my mask on when I put gas in my car, just in case someone pulls up right beside me. I don't see many people wearing masks at gas stations, but I don't mind wearing mine.

Speaking of masks, I need to wash mine today. My son's, too. Which leads me to another question to stick in here - how do you guys normally wash your masks? I wash mine in the sink with hot, soapy water and let them air dry, which I read was an acceptable way of washing. But I'd like to give them a good wash in the machine now and then. However, the last time I tried that, the ear band from one of them got stuck under the agitator in the washer. I'm doing a bit of online shopping today, so I'll look for a small mesh washer bag to put them in.
A mesh bag works well.. Jeannie has a few of them for other things. She prefers cloth masks and I prefer disposable..

I forgot earlier, when getting gas, I wear gloves.. I wore them a lot, at the start of this until I felt that frequent use of liquid sanitizer and wipes are more effective when grocery shopping, etc.

We hit the lotion when we get home..

In NJ self is not allowed at gas stations. So we are supposed to wear masks. Yesterday I went for gas and the attendant didn’t have one on so I quickly closed the window. When he was done I opened it just enough to slip the bill through. I use exact cash when possible. I don’t want to touch anything I don’t have to. I really don’t want them to touch my card.
Dh and I have several cloth masks each that I have made. They get washed after each use. My washing machine has a quick wash cycle for small loads that I use to wash the masks.

I leave my mask on the entire time I am out. I have been surprised too many times if I took my mask off while driving.
Dh and I have several cloth masks each that I have made. They get washed after each use. My washing machine has a quick wash cycle for small loads that I use to wash the masks.

I leave my mask on the entire time I am out. I have been surprised too many times if I took my mask off while driving.

I was thinking that. It could happen so easily. And, if one were in an accident, that wouldn't be the time to start rummaging for a mask.
I ordered a small mesh bag specifically for our masks. Until I receive it, I'll continue washing them in hot, soapy water.

And the hand sanitizer thing that JC brought up, my goodness, I've never used so much of that stuff in my life, haha. After shopping, after pumping gas, basically anytime I touch anything in public. And when I get home from grocery shopping, and once the groceries are put away, I wash my hands and wipe down the counters, or anywhere the grocery bags were placed, with disinfectant wipes.

Also, at work I'll pour rubbing alcohol onto a paper towel and go through the place and wipe down all the door handles, the light switches, the toilet handle, the sink handles, the fridge and microwave doors, etc. It's simply become a normal way of life.

I really wish we'd start hearing good news, like the cases are going down and/or a vaccine or a treatment has been found. But every day all I hear is that the number of cases and hospitalizations are rising and that we're inching closer and closer to another shutdown. Which, realistically, can't happen again. Hence the reason for the mask mandates. They're basically trying to avoid another quarantine.

I guess the U.S. is the worst country in the world right now? We're even banned from out-of-country travel.
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