Easter Pork Loins on the WSM

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Looked like a great Easter to me! What did you think of the fiinished pork loin? The honey aspect sounded intriging.
I used honey on them because my family traditionaly has honey baked ham for Easter. I am really not a fan of honey baked ham. So I thought why not coat the pork loins with honey just to see how sweet the pork loins would be, also just to see how the pork loins would taste after being smoked. The honey really gave them a great bark and flavor. It did not taste like honey baked ham at all. They tasted really good. Even though I used brown sugar in my rub and injected them with sugar and other great seasoning, they were not too sweet. Just enough that it complimented the smoke. I have to say that for my second go with smoking, I was very proud on how they turned out. One thing about the honey, my brother-in-law has a bee farm. He gives us honey from time to time. So I used the honey on these. That's right, all natural honey. I applied the honey and my rub the day before. The honey stuck to the pork loins like glue. I hope I've added to a new idea to all of the ideas on here to smokey what ever it is you smoke. When you get a chance, give honey a try when smoking pork loins.

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