Food you LOVED as a child but Hate now

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Chef Extraordinaire
Sep 9, 2004
NoVA, beyond the Beltway
Just to turn Breezy's question over.........

hot dogs (except at a Cubs game, mustard only, steamed bun)
fish sticks
plain cheese pizza
LOL, Jenny. Are you talking about that paste we had in grade school, with the brush in it?

My sister used to love to eat Crisco out of the can. She'd kill me if she knew I was spreading this news to the world.
I think I still like everything I liked as a child... I don't EAT a lot of that stuff any more... trying to think of childhood faves.... ummm

1. Peanut Butter on a Spoon (yeah, still eat that)
2. Cake Batter and Cookie Dough (yeah, still eat that)
3. Processed food in a can (Dinty Moore stew/Spaghettio's/Spam - - no longer eat but would still like)
4. Velveeta (almost never eat but would still like occasionally)
5. Chef Boy Ar Dee Pizza (no longer eat but would probably still like)

Unusual stuff:
Pencil Erasers (no longer eat but would probably still like)
Play Doh (didn't like THEN but ate it anyway)
Boogers (I gave them up a little while ago)
Yes, that paste! My brother could not be trusted with it. He'd just open it up and eat the whole thing. My sister ate butter by the stick.

I remember another thing that I hate now: La Choy canned chinese food!
fried bologna sandwiches
marshmallow creme sandwiches
canned vegetables boiled one mother would ask, gee, do you thing they are done?
velvetta cheese sauce served on warmed ritz crackers

bless my mom's heart, but she was/is an awful cook
Have to chuckle and share with you a memory of childhood that shows how blindly trusting in my parents I was as a kid -

mom got sick of us asking "what's for dinner". one night she fixed hamburgers and we asked "what's for dinner?" for the bazillionth time, so she answered "frog legs."

there we sat, staring at a chunk of ground meat on a bun, refusing to eat it.
My mom didn't experiment much with food - so we were told what we liked and didn't like. I didn't like mexican food, chinese food, and seafood - any type! I love them all today!
I was always surrounded by Italian families as a kid so I loved homemade Italian anything..I still do, but if it comes from a can or box or a restaurant,ICK no thanks..I loved this lucheon meat grandpa use to bring home would eat it all alone with out bread, til one day I opened up my grandma's refridgerator and low and behold staing me in the face was this huge Hogs head..I ran screeching from the kitchen..I wouldn't touch that stuff today for a million dollars:ROFLMAO: Loved catching frog for the legs, but hated eating them, now like then, but hate catching them:LOL: Loved a big thick slab of fresh french bread, slathered with mayo and sliced garlic, don't eat that now, but must admit, I'd sure love too:ROFLMAO: And the one that really gets me DUCK, hated it then, still hate it now!!!!!

The Z said:
I was partial to "Milk Bone" brand, myself. :LOL:

I make a really good garlic cheese dog biscuit!:LOL:

I use to LOVE cold hot dog. Now, I can't eat hot dogs at ALL!

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