Food you wouldn't put in your mouth.

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Having been a gardener, I've seen this stuff...corn smut...and I sure wouldn't want it in my mouth! But it's said to be a delicacy south of the border. Have any of you all ever tried it?


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I had some in my corn patch one year and almost called the bomb squad to get rid of it. The stuff looks like an alien infection from some bad science fiction movie.
That's the same article I saw, Mom. I ran across it on Stumble. I was afraid to post the link because of the language.
I do remember the first time I saw smut on the corn in my garden, and my father-in-law told me what it was. He told me then that, "Some folks eat this stuff".
That's the same article I saw, Mom. I ran across it on Stumble. I was afraid to post the link because of the language.
I do remember the first time I saw smut on the corn in my garden, and my father-in-law told me what it was. He told me then that, "Some folks eat this stuff".
Actually, I have been worried that maybe I shouldn't have posted that link. I sincerely hope I didn't offend anyone. I have a sick and twisted sense of humor and forget that lots of people don't.
I'l try anything at least once & if I like it, I'll keep eating it!

My philosophy exactly. There is nothing in the world that I wouldn't try at least once.

That being said, the only two things I can think of that I won't ever eat again are LIVER and BEETS.
Well, I reckon, I fall into the minority here. From my perch at the top of the food chain (shared only with a few other creatures), there is absolutely nothing that I will not try.
Nearly all of what I have tried, I like!!
Seems like the older I get, the less picky I am about food.
Actually, I grew up eating some of the things mentioned here...rabbits, squirrel, chitlin's, pig's feet, frog legs, oysters, crawdads, etc.
I used to have an aversion to fried pork liver, but now I like it. Most everything else has been good. I have encouraged my kids to keep an open mind about food and I think they have.
I heartily encourage everyone to revisit some of the things you didn't like with an open mind. You might be pleasantly surprised!
Well, I reckon, I fall into the minority here. From my perch at the top of the food chain (shared only with a few other creatures), there is absolutely nothing that I will not try.
Nearly all of what I have tried, I like!!
Seems like the older I get, the less picky I am about food.
Actually, I grew up eating some of the things mentioned here...rabbits, squirrel, chitlin's, pig's feet, frog legs, oysters, crawdads, etc.
I used to have an aversion to fried pork liver, but now I like it. Most everything else has been good. I have encouraged my kids to keep an open mind about food and I think they have.
I heartily encourage everyone to revisit some of the things you didn't like with an open mind. You might be pleasantly surprised!
I applaud you, Hoot. I wish I could be like you about food. It would have saved me many long hours at the dinner table as a kid in front of a plate of congealing liver and onions! Seriously, there are a lot of things I just cannot eat. Stuff that isn't even "bad". I don't understand it but I know I would be violently ill if I tried to force myself to eat something that my brain is saying "no, no, no" to. And I'm not a wimp at all. I'm a mom now many times over and I worry about what they are and are not eating so I guess it's payback but I still can't eat liver and onions!

BTW Welcome to DC!
Thanks for the welcome!
I understand what you are saying...My folks, from time to time, had me sit at the table until I finished what was on my plate.
I decided that it does more harm than good so, when it came my turn to raise my kids, I never forced them to sit in front of a cold plate of food and eat something that they just didn't like.
However, I did, and still do (even though my youngest is 16 now) insist that they at least try a new food before they decide they don't like it.
Most of the time, turns out that it isn't as bad as they thought it might be.
If it turns out not to their liking, we sit down for a spell and try to find out exactly what it is about it that is objectionable.
Sitting a kid in front of a cold plate of food they don't like has, IMHO, never done anyone any good. Just my 2 cents, mind you.
Real life octopus. A friend from Korea said it's the nicest dish ever but i couldn't and wouldn't put it into my mouth. The thought of something slimy going down one's throat is disgusting!
I'm open to just about anything, but as I have previosuly stated, I tend to draw the line at rodents.
I, too, am anti-organ meat. Liver, tongue, sweetbreads,kidney, whatever, no thank you. Brussel sprouts, or spinach that's been boiled into a gelatinou-like glob, also nope. I like some sushi, but I once tried a sample at a market near here and oh my gosh, it was nasty! The very memory makes me shudder.

Hmmm... have I already responded to this thread? All of a sudden this answer sounds familiar!
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