Help with white wine

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Assistant Cook
Jun 13, 2011
Central Valley, CA
I'm making arroz con pollo tomorrow and the recipe calls for white wine...any inexpensive suggestions?

Also for future dishes what's a good white wine to keep in the house?
I always use Oak Leaf white wine, sold in walmart, less than 3 bucks per bottle.
Julia Child recommends if you're not a wine drinker, pick up a bottle of dry vermouth. It's a fortified wine that will last a long time once opened. Regular white wines will not.
Sauvignon Blanc is generally the best type of white wine for cooking. Monkey Bay is delicious and inexpensive, about $6.99 - great for drinking and cooking.
merstar said:
Sauvignon Blanc is generally the best type of white wine for cooking. Monkey Bay is delicious and inexpensive, about $6.99 - great for drinking and cooking.

DH recently discovered Monkey Bay, and now the store is out...very good wine. It would not make it into any dish here as it would be...gone.

Just make sure that you can drink whatever wine you cook with, the so-called cooking wine is nasty.
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DH recently discovered Monkey Bay, and now the store is out...very good wine. It would not make it into any dish here as it would be...gone.

I love Monkey Bay! I always buy extra bottles, so I have enough on hand for both cooking and drinking!
merstar said:
I love Monkey Bay! I always buy extra bottles, so I have enough on hand for both cooking and drinking!

Where do you find it, Merstar? DH is frantically searching and threatening to look online for it.
I think that you should use a wine you like to drink in your cooking, regardless of the brand name. If you don't care for, say...Chardonnay, chances are you will be less than satisfied with the results. Just MHO.
Monkey Bay is widely available and good. We like it.

But we prefer to stock up on Mezzocorona when the big bottle is on sale for 9.99.
It's a crisp, serviceable white for drinking and cooking.

They sell it for 6 a glass at a local. Cha Ching.
jennyema said:
Monkey Bay is widely available and good. We like it.

But we prefer to stock up on Mezzocorona when the big bottle is on sale for 9.99.
It's a crisp, serviceable white for drinking and cooking.

They sell it for 6 a glass at a local. Cha Ching.

What varietal? If it is anything like Monkey Bay, we're in!
What varietal? If it is anything like Monkey Bay, we're in!

They sell everything but we only buy the pino grigio. Was gonna say sav blanc.

Sometimes sav blank can be too earthy for cooking, IMO, and sometimes has a slight taste of cat urine. I prefer it if I'm spending $10 fir a glass of white in an upscale place.

Pino grigio is almost always neutral.
jennyema said:
They sell everything but we only buy the pino grigio. Was gonna say sav blanc.

Sometimes sav blank can be too earthy for cooking, IMO, and sometimes has a slight taste of cat urine. I prefer it if I'm spending $10 fir a glass of white in an upscale place.

Pino grigio is almost always neutral.

Rofl! Cat urine!

Love Pinot Grigio!

I use a good sherry, port, as well as sweet and dry vermouth for cooking. Dry sherry is wonderful with mushrooms. Port with onion soup.
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Andy M. said:
That really depends on what breed of cat you have...

Okay, you both just ruined a perfectly good Savignon Blanc. Ack puhh, spit spit. Hmm, fruity with just a hint of pineapple and a smidge of cat urine...
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Thanks! We don't have them here, but it will give us a start. DH will also request the local grocer to carry it again.
Go online to your ABC site and look up the name. They will have the name of the distributor, who can then tell you where in your locality it is available.
You can usually pick up 4 packs of popular California wine splits at the supermarket. That way you don't have to either drink it or have an open bottle of wine hanging around the house forever. Sutter Home Chardonnay might be a good choice with chicken.

Have you ever seen a wine aroma wheel? Cat urine is there and figures rather forwardly in some sauvignon blancs. And not in a bad way.

A lot of odd aromas found in wine.


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