Hilton Head

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Smokin' U

Senior Cook
Jan 11, 2005
Going to be heading to Hilton Head the last week of June for vacation. Going to be coming across Rt. 40 to 26 to 95.

Any BBQ recommendations?
Dang, I can't even get a plain BBQ sammich in these parts for the price of their plates!! That looks like a good deal!
Only BBQ to report back on was Maurice's.


Loved the sauce on the pork. Had a completely different taste right out of the bottle. All in all it was pretty good.

First and last time to Hilton Head.

Loved Savannah, would like to go back for a few days.
I felt the same about Hilton Head. Seemed like a lot of hype for nothing unless you go on vacation to golf. One of my favorite places to visit when I was living in Georgia was River Street in Savannah. There was always something going on and I just loved the atmosphere. Of course, it's been about 9 years since I was there. Any time I spend down south is for visiting family. (At least until we get moved to South Carolina)
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