How often do you eat meat with your meal?

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keltin said:
But, isn’t a “true” vegetarian one that does not ingest (or use for that matter) any form of animal. No animal life what-so-ever. I believe they call it vegan? No leather, no animal milk, no eggs, no butter, etc?

Vegan and vegetarian are not the same thing. If you do a Google search for vegetarian, you will find lots of veg-oriented sites that distinguish between the two: vegetarian - Google Search

It's a good thing I'm a confirmed carnivore because I have a digestive condition where I need to keep to a high-protein, low-fat, low-fiber diet - I can't eat nuts, beans or seeds, so I eat lots of chicken and fish, especially shellfish. That said, I make occasional pasta and green salad dinners without meat but with cheese.
You are correct Keltin, a true vegan does not consume or wear any animal products. No eggs, butter, milk, gelatin etc.
Lunch is about the only time we would have a meal that did not include meat. I can go without meat once in a while, but hubby would have a fit if I did not prepare some sort of meat with the meal. Fish is meat to me and that is about once a week for us. The rest of the time it is moo, oink, cluck, and baaa!!!
I've never thought of fish as "meat". That was a new one for me. As for the Miracle Whip sandwich...oh yes...just add some sliced cucumber!;)
We have meat usually with supper. I don't think DH would care too much for "non" meat meals. Although sometimes we'll just have pasta for example.
My husband hasn't eaten any red meat or red meat products (like beef broth, etc.) for 35 years. Now THAT'S discipline - lol!!! He does, however, heartily enjoy all types of seafood, poultry, & vegetarian dishes, so that's what our meals revolve around. And I do have to say that coming from a family of fairly confirmed meat-eaters, I'm the only one in my family who does not have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc., etc. Go figure.

Our normal weekly meals are pretty evenly split between seafood, poultry, & vegetarian dishes. We normally have at least one pasta dish, as well as some type of Asian stirfry &/or Mexican/Spanish meal weekly. All in all, I think we eat pretty darn well for a red-meat-free house.

I do enjoy meat on occasion & will order it if I'm in the mood for it when we dine out. I'll also make it for myself at home if husband is going to be dining out with friends or is away on business. But I'm not driven to it.

I'll also add that while I've always been extremely interested in all types of cooking, especially different ethnic cuisines, my husband's dietary preference has definitely increased my knowledge (& cookbook library!) of lots of interesting dishes that we both can enjoy. Plus, the money we save by not buying all those prime steaks & roasts, etc., is just as easily channeled towards lobsters, crab, oysters, & the like. Can't complain about that. : )
I'll usually do some red meat at least once a week. Fish and veg account for the rest, but I really don't keep track. I was a vegetarian for many years but, surprisingly (to me), I feel healthier the way I eat now.

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