I Really Hate Low Carb Diets

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Some time ago SO decided that low carb was the only diet that worked for her. I tried to convince her that all she had to do was eat less, rather than turning her back on an entire category of foods.

The reason for the title of the thread is because it significantly impacts my menus for dinners. Just yesterday I was planning meals for next week and beyond. High on the list were things like pizza, lasagna, chicken and rice casserole, hash brown skillet, etc. Cross all that off now, too many carbs.

I have no problem eating meats and selected veggies for dinner. I can easily skip having potato/rice or just making one serving if it's a side dish. But when I have to eliminate entire recipes it really irks me because I crave them. And I crave them even more when I can't make them.

So she gave two days warning so she can have a last fling before she starts on Monday. Pizza tonight. Maybe Hungarian goulash over egg noodles tomorrow.

I guess I'd better make myself some desserts so my carb levels don't dip to dangerously low levels.

Rant over. Don't try to help. I just needed to get this off my chest.
I would never try to help you Andy! :-p

But I have to say, that would annoy the living crap out of me!

(Is crap an accepted word here?) :ermm:
Do you know what "diet" is? It's DIE with a T!

It's good you were warned, though. Good luck!

Some time ago SO decided that low carb was the only diet that worked for her. I tried to convince her that all she had to do was eat less, rather than turning her back on an entire category of foods.

The reason for the title of the thread is because it significantly impacts my menus for dinners. Just yesterday I was planning meals for next week and beyond. High on the list were things like pizza, lasagna, chicken and rice casserole, hash brown skillet, etc. Cross all that off now, too many carbs.

I have no problem eating meats and selected veggies for dinner. I can easily skip having potato/rice or just making one serving if it's a side dish. But when I have to eliminate entire recipes it really irks me because I crave them. And I crave them even more when I can't make them.

So she gave two days warning so she can have a last fling before she starts on Monday. Pizza tonight. Maybe Hungarian goulash over egg noodles tomorrow.

I guess I'd better make myself some desserts so my carb levels don't dip to dangerously low levels.

Rant over. Don't try to help. I just needed to get this off my chest.


You do have my sympathy's. Is it "THAT A-T" diet plan again?
My hubby informed me he wanted to get back on it. It would now be round 4. Like you I've gotten so tired of going without what my body needs to accommodate his. Going out of my way to do it. Too much time and energy. It's garbage! It seemed to me that it made him more moodier that usual. Cranky all the time. He was most likely starving from the lack of carbs.On one occasion he said "You went over my daily carb intake by 5!" Well you ate it knowing that.So what am I grounded now? Tomorrow it's going to be 20! Hoping I'd be grounded out of the kitchen completely. :LOL:

I've told him he's on his own. I'm tired of the aggravation. If you want it make it yourself. Game over. Just go with it. :LOL:

I took my bowl and went baking.

I can't directly sympathize since my SO can eat 2 large pizzas for dinner and still be a model.... Grrrrr!

But I can indirectly sympathize because carbs aren't -- as a class -- the bad guy. And I'd go crazy without them.
Sorry Andy, I sympathize completely.

Makes as much sense as Shrek going on low carb, but calling me at work and asking me to pick up candy on the way home...:wacko:
You isn’t asking advice and I ain’t offering any. More salads and veggies for you. It forces you to chew more and talk less. Etiquette says don’t talk with your mouth full.

Smile with your eyes. Subliminally she’ll eventually see German Chocolate Banana Cake with Ice Cream. For Breakfast. And be all over you.
You isn’t asking advice and I ain’t offering any. More salads and veggies for you. It forces you to chew more and talk less. Etiquette says don’t talk with your mouth full.

Smile with your eyes. Subliminally she’ll eventually see German Chocolate Banana Cake with Ice Cream. For Breakfast. And be all over you.

Sounds like a plan.
I lost over 50 pounds in 13 months on "South Beach"....... It did cause some extra ingenuity in the kitchen, but it was worth it, and the weight has stayed off lo these 7 years...............

I agree that its an easier thing if you are cooking for one, but the dangers of obesity should prod you to accommodate ............
I lost over 50 pounds in 13 months on "South Beach"....... It did cause some extra ingenuity in the kitchen, but it was worth it, and the weight has stayed off lo these 7 years...............

I agree that its an easier thing if you are cooking for one, but the dangers of obesity should prod you to accommodate ............

Fantastic results! Congrats.

I don't need prodding to accommodate. I do it because she's important to me. I'm posting here to vent.
So far your dinner menus the first several nights have looked all right.

How long can maintain your creativity and how soon before one or either or both of you need to take a walk around the block to cool off. Come to think of it, a walk is always good, and better, if you are in a positive mode to do it.
So far your dinner menus the first several nights have looked all right.

How long can maintain your creativity and how soon before one or either or both of you need to take a walk around the block to cool off. Come to think of it, a walk is always good, and better, if you are in a positive mode to do it.

SO isn't demanding in the food department. I can make any meat/starch/veggie meal and just omit the starch from her portion.

There is no anger involved, so there's no cooling off needed. I get a little frustrated and vent here. She doesn't see that and she doesn't need to deal with it. I support her efforts because it's important to her.

I get my carbs at breakfast and lunch.
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The fact that she makes you those delicious banana nut muffins shows that she feels the same about you and appreciates your efforts! I am in the opposite situation as I have to eat low carb due to diabetes and I am married to a man who eats carbs all day long and has neither a weight problem or health issues.
I hate watching my carbs...but at least my dinner was great without them.

I don't think they have coleslaw in Helena. I've eaten three places thus far and no coleslaw in sight.
A low carb diet is the very best for me to lose weight. I can lose 5 pounds in one week. But that would be a drastic reduction in carbs. I rarely cut out that much all at once.
Dr. Atkins was right. I have read all his books and I agree with him.

I cut out almost all carbs at first like he suggests and then gradually add more back into your diet.
Its science and its good science.

No need to want anything. I can lose the weight if I need to and I can eat carbs in moderation. To be honest, I love carbs, but can substitute much better/easier than I ever could with low calorie diets. Low calorie diets do not work for me.
Millions of successful dieters can attest to the Atkins approach.
No doubt, Dr.Atkins was right.
It seems to me that people often forget that "carbs" is short for carbohydrates. So low carb = low water intake and these diets often lead to dehydration. As I said earlier, reducing highly processed carbs makes sense, but reducing or eliminating fruits and vegetables is problematic.

Lots of people try Atkins and lose weight, often because they drop calories as well, but many who start it find it difficult or impossible to maintain.
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