If It's On The Internet, It Has To Be True, Right?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I have a DVR load of cooking shows recorded from various PBS shows. Jacques Pepin is my favorite. I had some free time Sunday as SO was out for the afternoon and I didn't feel like watching football so I decided to watch a few of the shows so I could delete them and maybe get a recipe or two.

I watched a JP episode of "More Fast Food My Way" where he made chicken supremes with tapenade and mushroom sauce. Sounded good so I went online to find and copy the recipe. I found it easily. Google had several links. Copy, paste and read it over. Hmmm, sounds different. Check another link - different recipe. Check a third link - different recipe. All three with the exact same recipe name and with attribution to JP. The TV recipe used three different kinds of olives. One recipe called for one type. Another recipe called for tablespoons of mushrooms instead of cups. Another left out butter to sauté the mushrooms. I want the recipe JP made for me on TV.

By comparing and remembering, I was able to get it right.

Just goes to show you, there's a lot of crap out there that people want you to believe is the gospel. User beware.
I've seen that. Where I remember a show cooking something one way and the online recipe is different. One I recall was a Bobby Flay recipe. You would think with his show on the FN and his recipe on the FN's site they would be the same, woudn't you? I took it as creative license.
Amen to that, Andy.

One time last year I was "grazing" the Food Network site and searching for a dish, not sure what I was looking for. However, I did find a recipe and printed it off. Someone was asleep at the switch because, instead of calling for a small quantity of salt, such as teaspoon, etc., it directed me to us a CUP of salt. Oh, yum!!!! That would've been puckeralicious. Pass the water, please!!:ohmy::LOL:
I have found the same thing on the Food TV site when looking up Good Eat's recipes; the show makes it one way and the web site makes it another....
Yeah that drives me batty, Food Network is guilty of this time and again! I mean, it's their job to show you how to cook a dish and give a recipe (or at least it used to be). Are we going to be back to the old days where we sat in front of the TV and wrote down the recipe?
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