Italian Sausage

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Executive Chef
Jun 3, 2004
Italian Sausage

10 pounds boneless pork butt
1 Tbs ground coriander (or rather, 1 Tbs whole coriander, ground finely)
3 Tbs plain salt
1 Tbs sugar
1 Tbs finely ground cayenne pepper
2 Tbs hot red pepper flakes
2 Tbs fennel seeds, cracked
2 Tbs garlic, chopped
12 oz ice water

Grind partially frozen pork butt through a 3/6-1/4" plate and keep
refrigerated. Combine remaining ingredients and mix until salt and sugar
are dissolved. Pour mixture over ground meat and mix thoroughly.

Stuff into 35-38mm hog casings, link sausages and place in freezer. When
partially frozen, cut links apart and freeze in airtight bags. Be sure to
test a sample bit in a frying pan for taste before stuffing. This may be
too hot for some...if so, you can omit the heat, add a bit more sugar, and
probably boost the fennel for a decent Sweet Italian, I'm guessing.

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