Jerk Pork Chops

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Simple cook, simple post.

Some pork loin marinaded in some store brand Jerk marinade for around 4 hours then seasoned them with some Knox's Jamaican Jerk Dry Rub.

Served with some white rice with butter and soy sauce and some Normandy veggies and green beans cooked on the wok.
Do look like a fine meal. Tell us more about the marinade. What store? Was it real good? Thanks.
Ok gotcha thanks. You know I had a real tasty Jerk marinade around here somewhere but think the HD which contained it got fried. This was fairly easy to make in the food processor..recall it had a bunch of fresh sauce..olive oyl..garlic..and Scotch the normal other stuff. Guess the parsley was the main deviant and it called for six scotch bonnets. Let me know if you stumble over that one thanks. I have been googling for an hour trying to find it. Seems like it was snagged from Rick Thead's old forum or maybe after Garry Howard hijacked it. I chickend out and used only two habs. The grandkids loved it..not a bit hot. May use four next time. PS..this is either it or real close.
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What a JERK!!! ;)

That looks great, two please.

Since it's almost impossible to find Walkers Wood in the US any more, good jerk rubs, sauces and marinades are difficult.

A while back, I found this...

Pimento Wood chips
(no, it's OT the same company that was spamming all over FaceBook)

BUT, they had free shipping over $50 so I bought some of the wood and sauces, etc.
Not sure how much the shipping would jack up the prices, though. The pimento wood adds an extra dimension to the flavors.

There are a couple of Jamaican restaurants that have little stores attached to them and I can get the Walkerwswood marinade but they are out of the way and I didn't feel like going there and getting some. I would really like to try that pimento wood but its pretty spendy. My Mr. Wilson, the neighbor next door that peeks his head over the fence to see what I am cooking is Jamaican and he claims he doesn't have a good jerk recipe.
I stumbled over a Walkerswood clone recipe over at Garry Howards place. Its a few years old but both the fellow who come up with it and another guy supposed to tested it and found it highly similar. I will stick it in the recipe section. Looks purty easy peasy.

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