jkath, where are you????

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Chef Extraordinaire
Aug 19, 2004
My mountain
has anyone seen jkath? i had a dream last night that i stopped next to a police car at a light, and when i looked over she was riding shotgun with her hubby. :)
i gotta stop eating so late at night. gives me very vivid and strange dreams.
i haven't seen her. as a matter of fact i was going through my email earlier and came across one from her.so i started thinking about her and wondering if everything was okay. i hope it is.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that has strange Discuss Cooking dreams! The other night I dreamt that I moved to Norris and was living next door to Crewsk. I was opening a bakery and my first customer was Kofi Annan who was retiring to Norris and needed a break from unpacking! (and yes, bucky, we all had pants on)What the heck did I eat that evening???
OMG PA, that's too funny!!:LOL: I'm glad we all had pants on though! I have a recurring dream that we are all at a picnic just hanging out & cooking. Bucky & ronjohn have on those hats that hold 2 cans of beer with straws & they are just walikng around happy as pigs in mud!

That is a good question though...I hope everything is OK with jkath!
crewsk said:
Bucky & ronjohn have on those hats that hold 2 cans of beer with straws & they are just walikng around happy as pigs in mud!

Your dream definitely has more reality in it than mine! :LOL:
:LOL: I could see them really doing that!!

Do you need any help in that bakery? I can at least put things in boxes for people.:LOL: Oh, & I promise to wear pants to work every day!
:LOL: We might get better business if we didn't wear pants!

You're more than happy to come work in my bakery. In fact we could open up for breakfast in the AM and you could be in charge of that!

TC and Savannah were running around in my back yard in the dream, too.

Maybe it means we're all supposed to meet someday. Kofi Annan doesn't have to come, though!:)
TC & Savannh run all over everyones back yards here so that part is deffinantly true to life!:LOL:

Cool, sounds good to me...TC's breakfast casserole will have to be on the menu!

I'm glad Kofi Annan dosen't have to come. It would be great if it does mean that though!:)
crewsk said:
:LOL: I could see them really doing that!!

Just for the record - I want to say that I have never owned or used one of those hats.

I just keep the extra bottles of beer in my back pockets...

OK, crewsk and PA, I am LMAO. I think rather than pantless you should be topless if you want a booMing business. Look at the Hooters chain... :cool: (Running and hiding now before MJ and Kitchenelf find me. I'm going to get my hand smacked for sure now!)
roflmao alix. (scraping one index finger over the other, shame shame).

umm, ok, so when does the bakery open? if you're going pants-less, you could use the slogan "we've got the best buns in the business"...
buckytom said:
umm, ok, so when does the bakery open? if you're going pants-less, you could use the slogan "we've got the best buns in the business"...

I'll have to ask Kofi Annan, bucky. He'll be our business advisor. Although you've won yourself the position of marketing manager! :LOL:
buckytom said:
roflmao alix. (scraping one index finger over the other, shame shame).

umm, ok, so when does the bakery open? if you're going pants-less, you could use the slogan "we've got the best buns in the business"...

OH BUCKY!! Thank God I am alone right now, I just spit coffee all over the keyboard and snorted most unbecomingly.
ROFLMAO!! I keep lauging like this that slogan won't work!!:LOL: Savannah just came in to see what I was doing & she just rolled her eyes & walked away. I think she thinks I'm nuts!Yeah, we're going to have to get busy baking some really good stuff. Although if this bakery is in Norris, it'll be the only one around so we have a pretty good chance either way we go.
I don't have much baking experience, but I would be happy to learn...or I would be happy just to be your first customer :)
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