Last thing that made you smile?

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Hubby and son trying to talk to our maid about X-box prices. They very very little Spanish and she doesn't speak a word of English. Some how they are communicating and figuring it all out. :)
CG I have come in late on this - congrats to your son! My sister was a photographer and for years she worked in a specialty lab where they produced posters and other professional works. My nephew's picture "road around on a bus" in an ad for her business. It was so neat to see it and often I would get on a bus displaying it. There is a great sense of pride when you see something by family being displayed.
Well, thanks.

Back on thread, my boy makes me smile all the time, even when I want to beat some manhood into him.
(DW is working on her levatation skills so she can hover directly over him all day long.)

Nonetheless, I'd better be careful with the tough talk and my son.
Here he is with his mentor/coach, Jim Miller, former UFC lightweight champ who is fighting again to regain his title.
My baby boy, only 12 years old, has begun sparring against full grown, albeit short, men.
All of the fighters in the gym say he's a natural.

Det er gutten min!


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I actually thought he was a little tall for 12! :)

Bucky you always make me smile when you talk about your boy. You are so gosh darn proud of him and these days that is very refreshing!
I've got silly kids

They get goofy when they're together.

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And that is one reason he is your "ex", CW. ;) If you're arrogant, it's because you know what you know and won't be wishy-washy about it. Selfish? Pfft. More like your parents angel right now. That is hardly something a selfish person would do. And you seem to be doing it with much more grace than I ever could have had I been in your boots.

The puppy sounds like a real sweety. Glad it makes your Dad happy. Have fun being a puppy mommy.
Thanks. I am just getting through life one day at a time. I always wanted to be like my mom--a compassionate and kind person. Working on it.:) When I was in my 20s, I had a roommate whose mom was an alcoholic. My mom would come over to Fargo for the weekend and take us shopping. She always bought my roomie clothes, etc., too. I loved that my mom did that.

When Dad and I were at the Exchange today, he asked me what I wanted. I said, "Nothing, I just want to spend Christmas with you and Mom. And, you took care of the legal matters, that is what I wanted for Christmas." His response was "I would have no idea what to get you for Christmas." (Diamonds, Dad...girls love Diamonds) but that was the bubble thought.
For those of you who are interested in viewing photos taken by our son, Instagram is probably the most organized place that he's posted. Until/unless he gets some sort of dedicated website, or at least a Facebook page, Instagram saves you the bother of reading and sorting through the minutia of his life! :LOL:

It appears that you do not need an Instagram account. You don't need a phone or tablet to use Instagram, just internet and something connected to it.
Thanks's probably a good thing for me that he does not have a site to sell pics...I could easily go broke.
For those of you who are interested in viewing photos taken by our son, Instagram is probably the most organized place that he's posted. Until/unless he gets some sort of dedicated website, or at least a Facebook page, Instagram saves you the bother of reading and sorting through the minutia of his life! :LOL:

It appears that you do not need an Instagram account. You don't need a phone or tablet to use Instagram, just internet and something connected to it.

Wow, CG! He is very talented. I kept thinking that so many of them look like classic album covers from the old days.
Thanks's probably a good thing for me that he does not have a site to sell pics...I could easily go broke.
I'm sure I could put you in touch with the guy, in case you're interested. You two might be able to work out something that sounds good to both of you. Sooner is probably better than later, when he realizes how to "market" them instead of just "sell" them. ;)

Wow, CG! He is very talented. I kept thinking that so many of them look like classic album covers from the old days.
Thanks, bt. He had been going through a phase of heavy-handed color enhancement, but it seems like he's pulled back from that lately. Didn't think of the record album angle, but it l like that description.

BTW, the right-hand image in the sixth row down, a grouping of trees looking up into them, is the image that is currently on its way to China.
Loved looking at the pics CG, and yes, he is very talented with the camera!

Enjoyed seeing a pic of 'Loverly', too - it's nice to put a face with the names. She's a beauty. :wub:
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