Last thing that made you smile?

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Today what made me smile, was my therapist saying, I always saw you happy but this is radiant and you have a lovely contagious laughter I havent heard it before.

And then he and my doctor said we are doing this our way and it going to be good.
I'm hoping I can remember enough about the Capitol that I can drag her around and show her stuff, but it's been many years. I have a pretty good memory though, we'll see if it works.

Lots has changed since 9/11, especially in the area of security. Places that used to be open to the public no longer are and getting into places takes longer. Especially the weekend of the inauguration and a huge march, presumably on the Mall, the Capitol building may not be open.
Lots has changed since 9/11, especially in the area of security. Places that used to be open to the public no longer are and getting into places takes longer. Especially the weekend of the inauguration and a huge march, presumably on the Mall, the Capitol building may not be open.

This is true, GG. Thanks for the reminder. My girlfriend and I will march wherever, and will probably be too busy yacking to know where we are anyway. Think of the marching band scene at the end of National Lampoon's Animal House, where Stork grabbed a baton and marched them all down a blind alley into a brick wall. That will probably be us.
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This is true, GG. Thanks for the reminder. My girlfriend and I will march wherever, and will probably be too busy yacking to know where we are anyway. Think of the marching band scene at the end of National Lampoon's Animal House, where Stork grabbed a baton and marched them all down a blind alley into a brick wall. That will probably be us.

Have a great time, wherever you end up! :)
Today what made me smile, was my therapist saying, I always saw you happy but this is radiant and you have a lovely contagious laughter I havent heard it before.

And then he and my doctor said we are doing this our way and it going to be good.

Cake, sounds like good news! Glad your therapy is going well. I find a good laugh is very beneficial.
Dawgluver: Funny part is I am in therapy, not because I am mentally ill, just because I am exhausted from dealing with The national insurance and if you have chronic pain you " have" to have mental problems to, before anything happens. So my therapist is my buffer so I have the energy to do everyday stuff.
I hear ya CP! Loud and clear. When I have a doctor's appointment, I just want to go, get my vitals checked, answer a couple of "How are you?" and get the heck out of there. Any more than that and I become exhausted. And appointments two days in a row it will take me a couple of weeks to recuperate. I try to schedule them to be the last ones of the day for the doctor.
Well I been fight for 2 years for my disability pay and now I am just tired of it all. My therapist is hired by my medical center to be buffer between National Insurance and the patient. With out him, I would most likely ended my own life by mistake. When you have chronic pain and exhausted , your brain's logic is weird .
Andy, that's why we have to boycott Animal Crackers. So vegetarians are not offended in the grocery stores.

;) ;) I refuse to recognize any organization or individuals who are trying to steal my memories of my childhood. I love animal crackers. Now I need to find me a vegetarian so I can stand there and bite the heads off all my animal crackers. You have to eat them right. Always head first. Then let PITA come after me.
My morning smile


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Spike stopped by this morning with Teddy. Now he makes me smile anytime he shows up. He jumped up on my bed as soon as he came in the door. Flopped down with all four legs in the air and waited for his scratchies. I accommodated him instantly.

When Spike stopped by a few days ago, I was sound asleep. Teddy dragged his little bed next to my bed, and laid down to take a nap while I slept. After a while he go impatient and started to bark to wake me up. It worked. As soon as he saw my eyes open, he jumped up on my bed for his scratchies. He always make me smile. No matter how lousy I am feeling.

I love that dog.
My boy always makes me smile. Here's a pic from about a month ago. We went down to the marina to clean out the boat before having it serviced and dry docked for the winter. While DW and I cleaned, my boy grabbed a rod and a hot dog for bait to see what he could catch under the docks.
After nailing about 20 good sized sunnies, I heard him scream "Holy f'n sheep" (or something like that). I first scolded him for his language, but then saw his rod doubled over as he struggled to reel this hawg in.
When he landed it, I corrected myself and said that this was an appropriate time for such an expression.

It came in at about 7.5 lbs.

(Not sure why the pic keeps coming out sideways)


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