Last thing that made you smile?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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My niece called up last night as she just got into town to prepare for her wedding this Saturday. She asked how things were going with the cake and if i needed her to do anything. When we finished our conversation I said the usual "I love you", and she ended with "I love you more Auntie Cake Baker!"
I was working on a project at the shop this morning and the shop cat, Julie, hopped up on my 4x8-foot cutting table and curled up as close to me as possible. Within about 10 minutes, Julie was purring so loud it could be heard across the room.

I glanced up and saw the most contented look on Julie's face. That put a great big smile on my face.

Here's Julie:


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I always remain in light mood, so laugh too much. Last night, when while sleeping when I asked my wife to give me some more space, she obeyed, but fell down. Both of us laughed whole heartedly.
And yes it's about my Cade and Carson, they were here Monday and Tuesday..Having and one or four of them just makes me so happy..The boys and I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, they ate my homemade ice cream, smiling and asking more Ma? We went shopping to Toys R Us both found a goodie and then we came home and they went swimming showing of their skills for me. I had the best two days...It's quiet now and I'm missing the fun and laughter, but looking forward to Sunday when all four of them will be here and the air will be filled with sweet voices.
There is a little game going on in our house and I don't know who or what started it first, but I like it.

The other morning I got up to find a huge bouquet of beautiful gladiolas in my favourite vase on the kitchen table. DH had gotten home late and I was already in bed - he knew this and thought it would be fun to just leave them there for me. I am terribly allergic to flowers and glads are one that I can handle...he never brings me flowers without a reason!

While this is going on, I had left a bag of his favourite lactose/gluten/sugar free mint patties on his night stand as a little surprise. We don't get them often as they are hard to find and expensive, but I saw them and thought he deserved a treat.

Yesterday we were in a restaraunt that always has nicknacks to sell by the cash register. I found a fridge magnet that reminded me of Tony and bought it for him. I didn't know that he had already bought me one with a different saying on it!

Last night I left a note on his pillow. This morning I found a little card on my computer chair (he had left it before going into the bedroom).

I don't know how or why it is happening, but I am smiling from ear to ear!
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Laurie - Please have many, many more of these moments, and may I be around to hear you talk about them.

I am so happy for you at this moment, words escape me, and only a sigh comes out.

Ya know I got home from the hospital yesterday and my neighbor brought dinner over last night which was so sweet and thoughtful. And delicious I might add. Well, a few minutes ago another friend of mine brought over a huge meal for tonight and another meal to freeze!! AND she told me that a lot of my sweet friends and neighbors have actually made a schedule of who's cooking for my family until...

I was bowled over. These sweet people have offered to do this so many times over the last 2 years but I always said "no, it's ok, we've got it covered, I can take care of it". Well this time they didn't even ask, they just did it. I'm so grateful and I know my family is too. It's kind of hard being on the receiving end of such kindness. I was always the one who cooked dinners for people who were sick or had new babies and such. But I have to say I am smiling. This is what caring is.

And I want to say thank you so much to all my DC friends who have cheered me on thru this. When I'm home alone on the computer, I know I'm not really alone. Thank you all.

Ya know I got home from the hospital yesterday and my neighbor brought dinner over last night which was so sweet and thoughtful. And delicious I might add. Well, a few minutes ago another friend of mine brought over a huge meal for tonight and another meal to freeze!! AND she told me that a lot of my sweet friends and neighbors have actually made a schedule of who's cooking for my family until...

I was bowled over. These sweet people have offered to do this so many times over the last 2 years but I always said "no, it's ok, we've got it covered, I can take care of it". Well this time they didn't even ask, they just did it. I'm so grateful and I know my family is too. It's kind of hard being on the receiving end of such kindness. I was always the one who cooked dinners for people who were sick or had new babies and such. But I have to say I am smiling. This is what caring is.

And I want to say thank you so much to all my DC friends who have cheered me on thru this. When I'm home alone on the computer, I know I'm not really alone. Thank you all.


Katy, I experienced this same thing last fall and winter when I had two knee surgeries, a bad flood and further health complications. Neighbours, people from our church and others were so quick to provide meals. Being a caterer and a giver, this was hard for me too. But accept it. I learned that the joy you and I feel giving to others is just as important to them and we shouldn't deprive them of it.

As for the DC family, well, I can't say enough about them. Just get well and know you are cared for at home and online.
When those who have been so very ill, respond and begin the long road back, it makes me smile and my heart is so happy to be one of a wonderful group of people. Laurie, you know my feelings for you, you Tony and your dad...Katy, my sister in being used as a quinea pig, seeing what love people give us is a wonderful thing..I know it's hard to be on the receiving end,but never say no, the love in the gesture is a special thing..Accept it with a smile and love in your heart..I know you both do...Babe, you know I wish you and Wallie all the good life has to give...All of you are so dear...Stay well please.
My latest smile? Seeing the smiles on my Dad's face as we sit and watch a football game (or other sport) together like we did when I was a kid! And I am even enjoying the games almost as much as my time with him! :)
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