Measuring spoons I had never seen, now can't live without

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I once had a plastic set, still have about 3 of them, other 2 disappeared. But they were very long handled and I loved them.
Have had many different sets over the years. Mostly plastic. Think these elongated ones might be my 2nd set of metal. First ones being those really thin ones that bent especially when scooping hard butter! (live and learn LOL)
When I had a dishwasher they never went in, plastic orn not.
I also like multiple sets when there's a lot of measuring to do, esp wet and/or dry. Mis en place or not a clean one always handy.
As to Andy's question? Rarely, will not say never, but rare.

(didn't we have this conversation somewhere else?)
Reading through this thread, a thought came to mind. How many of you use your measuring spoons connected with a ring vs. removing the ring and using them individually?
I was wondering that too. I have some that stay on a ring and a whole bunch that are loose, in a rectangular basket in the drawer. Loose ones get used the most.
no ring. frankly, I only need T, T/2, t, t/2. I can estimate the rest....

had mine on a pin - of course, and one you wanted was buried on the pin . . .
being an old cranky geezer, I decided to fix that - so (having outgrown my knife block....) I did me a new one with knives, the shears, my old trust long probe thermometer, the ThermaPen insta-read + my required measuring spoons.
the junk drawer has _nuttin_ on me no more
no ring. frankly, I only need T, T/2, t, t/2. I can estimate the rest....

had mine on a pin - of course, and one you wanted was buried on the pin . . .
being an old cranky geezer, I decided to fix that - so (having outgrown my knife block....) I did me a new one with knives, the shears, my old trust long probe thermometer, the ThermaPen insta-read + my required measuring spoons.
the junk drawer has _nuttin_ on me no more View attachment 63313....
Did you make that yourself?

I just noticed the top on your bottle of oil. Do you like that kind? What is the purpose of the little wheel? Is it something to do with keeping the bottle closed?
taxy, I believe it is to control the flow of oil so as not to soil your thumb/fingers/hand.

An old friend had one very similar, wonder what happened to it????
I have some of each - round, oval, rectangular.


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Did you make that yourself?

I just noticed the top on your bottle of oil. Do you like that kind? What is the purpose of the little wheel? Is it something to do with keeping the bottle closed?
@taxlady - yes, that's a DIY design/block. rock maple, weighs several tons....
the oil bottle . . . usually they have a cap, which usually gets lost... this one has a counterweight (the round thingie) so it opens/closes "automatically" when tilted.

still available:
@taxlady - yes, that's a DIY design/block. rock maple, weighs several tons....
the oil bottle . . . usually they have a cap, which usually gets lost... this one has a counterweight (the round thingie) so it opens/closes "automatically" when tilted.

still available:
That knife block is gorgeous, btw.

Do you particularly like that design of pourer? I have been looking at this kind, that also won't have you losing the cap.

The kind you linked to is quite pricey on the Canadian Amazon. I've also seen some that have the cap on a "leash".
yes, I like the design - note that it's the first and only 'auto cap' I've had....
the one issue that may happen with the Wobe.... olive oil will accumulate and over a 5-8 month period get a bit sticky. the counterweight design helps "open" - the Wobe depends (? methinks..) on flow pressure when you pour.

now and then, when I refill the bottle I'll douse the counterweight design under hot tap water - that seems to be an adequate long term 'sorta' painless approach to keeping it clean and functioning 'perfectly.' probably will work with the Wobe style as well.
I use these, which I like a lot. I had ones where the top was a flap which became problematic over time. These require you to press to open, which is easy to remember as they do not leak. They are equally as easy to close.
I use these, which I like a lot. I had ones where the top was a flap which became problematic over time. These require you to press to open, which is easy to remember as they do not leak. They are equally as easy to close.
Is that the brand you got? What size of bottle do they fit? Like, do they work with a wine bottle?
I'm not certain if they are the specific brand, but think they are all similar. They do work well with wine bottles, oil bottles, etc.
I'm not certain if they are the specific brand, but think they are all similar. They do work well with wine bottles, oil bottles, etc.
My oil bottles have a bigger opening than my wine bottles do. I found that most of the various stoppers of this type seemed to fit wine bottles better. I guess I will have to find a wine bottle for the oil.
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