Minnesota Wild Rice Sausage

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Senior Cook
Dec 31, 2006
Does anyone have a recipe for Minnesota Wild Rice Sausage? I have heard it mentioned a few times but see no such recipes. I wonder if it is similar to Boudin in Louisiana? I am not talking about wild rice and sausage recipes. Any help or comments are appreciated.
Well I did not know they had any Wild Rice up in Manysoto. Swear this is liking getting a college edumacation to hang out around here for a while. Now I know the guy who originally fell for the old, "Do you like Duck Sausage?" trick. Now on this one the victim normally say yes..then the cookie raise up his apron and say, "Well duck down and get some of this." Or similar phraseolgy. If anybody ever axes if you like it say No is the only safe strategy.
Nick Prochilo said:
[quote="Pigs On The Wing BBQ":i4esh8ak]You old fart! Your letting all the good tricks out! (I just use it on good looking women) Stop darn it!


I'm guessing you haven't used it in years![/quote:i4esh8ak]
Yea, pretty much. :roll: That don't mean I quit trying! ;)
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