Nearly that time again.

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Blissful, SomeBunny, and TaxLady, what will you grow when you plant?

I'm hoping to plant a few potatoes in straw and a bunch of herbs, maybe some tomatoes., lettuce, radishes, and peppers.

It all depends on what I can find at the farmer's market and nurseries. I'm too late to plant much from seed.

It has been really rainy here. The weeds are amazing, as are some of the perennial flowers that have escaped.
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Saturday morning I will be working a plant sale...I know nothing about it, I'm just a body. It's going to be fun to play in the mud and look vague.
I have the best photographer. ;)

Blissful, SomeBunny, and TaxLady, what will you grow when you plant?

I have the day off, and it is gorgeous outside so I have deemed today garden planting day. I will plant the usual, carrots, onions, beets, lettuce, g'beans, cucumber, potatoes and tomatoes, leeks and spinach, and whatever else I can squeeze into my little garden plot.

I intend to take over a flowerbed that DH had been using for sweetpeas and geraniums to use as an herb garden. I had been growing herbs in a bed kind of far from the house (not convenient when you want something to cook with) so......I say "first come, first served":rolleyes:

I am off to the nursery, and then let the planting begin! I will keep you posted:LOL:
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Blissful, SomeBunny, and TaxLady, what will you grow when you plant?
The garlic garden has garlic growing now.
The lasagna garden (which is now raised and has walking blocks around it) has lettuces growing in it, I'll add more lettuce, green onions, beets, turnips, radishes, some basil, dill and cilantro. As things go to seed, I'll plant salad things again.
The herb garden will have as many different herbs I can fit into it, more perennials than annuals, maybe a few edible flowers like nasturtiums (sp?).
The vegetable garden (the biggest one) will have dozens of tomatoes and peppers (san marzano, cherry, heirloom slicers)(green, red, and pablano), corn, peas, kohlerabi (sp?), eggplant and whatever else I can fit in it.
I won't have pictures of the veggies until at least a month here.
Yes, it's rabbit food and unfortunately I am not the only "bunny" that frequents my garden, but honestly I have more trouble with the deer(the 4 legged kind) lol!

When I lived in the country the bunnies and the deer were annoying. The real problem was the danged moose. Do you know how big their feet are? Huge. Stupid critter didn't seem to eat anything, just walked around and trampled stuff. From the footprints it looked like it had been dancing in the herb garden. :LOL:
So here is what the garden looked like this morning.

This is what it looks like this afternoon.

I cheated a little by setting out some plants from the nursery, I will plant carrots, beets, peas, & beans from seed tomorrow. Also potatoes.

I also planted the herb garden which I did not take pictures of, I transplanted some of the perennial herbs from another location and added some new ones and some annuals.

I am so beat, I don't feel like cooking *gasp*. Hockey game is on so not likely going out........hmmmmm......what to do???


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taxlady said:
When I lived in the country the bunnies and the deer were annoying. The real problem was the danged moose. Do you know how big their feet are? Huge. Stupid critter didn't seem to eat anything, just walked around and trampled stuff. From the footprints it looked like it had been dancing in the herb garden. :LOL:

Taxlady, yes those moose are huge! I don't really live in the country, just on the edge of our little town and still in the city limits, but we have about five deer that frequent the area.

Believe it or not when I lived right in town, about 18 years ago, we had an errant moose that spent the day on the high school campus and in a few backyards. I lived 1/2 block from the school and saw the critter with my own eyes! So no one can make me believe that moose are never found below the 49th parallel! Lol!
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I do, I to these pics yesterday, the Rose was planted by my Dad for my Mum in 1952 the spooky thing is the rose my Mum planted for Dad died the winter before his & BBQ 128.jpg

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garden & BBQ 131.jpg

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Bunny,The veg patches look good as does your lawn,I love feeling knackered after gardening I really am getting to be an old fart I just sit on the bench and look at the garden till I can hobble in the shed and get a beer. I used to love a whisky and a cuban cigar on a warm summers evening last year. Ive run out of cigars and I'm not allowed whisky:(
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