I am far from an expert. I started smoking using my big Brinkmann pro dual zone grill. I would just build the fire on one side and use foil pouches. Not very efficient but once I got a taste of "Real" BBQ I was hooked. Then I was given a El Cheapo Brinkmann R2D2 water smoker. It almost killed me trying to smoke with it. Please dont wast your money on the El Cheapo. Don't get me wrong there are guys that have done a lots of mods to make them work better and love them. I just don't happen to be one of them. Next I was given a 55 gal drum that was on its side / sliced in half / ta' Da' a grill. I had a 25 gal drum welded to the side making a off set smoker. It served me well. I learned a lot using it. Used a lot of wood in the process. But I learned to build and tend a fire, etc. Once it started rusting out I had to start looking around again. Then I stumbled on to this Forum, heard about this UDS thing. Got a 55 gal drum FREE, found a Webber Kettle on the side of the road (Karma). So for the price of some Stainless hardware I have a great smoker. I am still learning how to use it but the learning curve is not that steep.
OK what was the question? Oah Yeah.... If you are handy. look at building a UDS There is something special about q-ing on something you made. I you are not handy you can not go wrong with a WSM. Even great pit masters with $10K competition rigs turn to the WSM for a small smoke or vacation smoker.
The best advice I was given is. "Learn to use what you have"
And be careful, I think pit collecting is contagious. Just one look around here you will see that the majority of the Centralites have more than one pit.
Best of luck and Welcome to the Forum.