Need your help with menu

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Every year around beginning of the winter kid’s school is having pancake breakfast, fundraiser of a sort, plus lets parents get together and chat for a while. This year there is a talk about doing something different, as far as menu goes, maybe even making a branch. Need your help with menu ideas, no meat please and no dairy. Strictly vegetarian recipes, please.
There must be 15 million different things to do with eggs that are tasty and clever. What are you interested in?

When I saw "Minnesota" in your byline, I immediately thought "Swedish Pancakes with Lingonberries!" (yum!)

Buckwheat Blueberry Pancakes are a little different, healthy and really delicious. :)
If this is a brunch maybe you could do a Tex-Mex theme.

Huevos rancheros, my favorite, scrambled eggs with peppers, onions, and shrooms, maybe some burrito type of things including burritos with eggs, or beans, or a mixture. Could go on but you get the idea.

Or I suppose you could do a French menu. Crepes with mushrooms, crepes with anything you want. Omelets are French, so some of those would go well. Add some croissants or other pastry, and maybe dessert crepes.

Am just pulling this out of the back of my mind, and am not a vegetarian cook, but hope it will help.

Take care and have a great brunch.
What about eggs florentine (like eggs benedict with spinach and mushrooms under the egg) and lots of fruit. Then serve some mini muffins in baskets on the side.
How about whole grain muffins? Or some quick breads, such as banana nut or pumpkin? There are jillions of recipes on the web. Just use vegetable shortening instead of butter.
One or more fruit salads will go over well. If you don't have enough bowls, paper cups will work fine.
If you're allowed eggs, you could also offer a variety of vegetable fritatas. Mushrooms, onions,(sweet and/or hot), broccoli, peas, oriental vegetables (chopped tofu?), your imagination is the limit. That would be easier than making individual omelets, and fritatas stand up well, tasting just as good when room temperature or even cold.
Portobello mushrooms are a wonderful meat substitute. How about a grilled or oven roasted portobello and tomato on a thick slice of toasted bread? Sure would be good with scrambled eggs.

Hope my ideas help!
CharlieD said:
Every year around beginning of the winter kid’s school is having pancake breakfast, fundraiser of a sort, plus lets parents get together and chat for a while. This year there is a talk about doing something different, as far as menu goes, maybe even making a branch. Need your help with menu ideas, no meat please and no dairy. Strictly vegetarian recipes, please.

Crepes wrapped around a banana with berries and jam on top?
I don't have a crepe recipe but you could also do the same thing with a pancake - if a pancake is easier than a crepe to make.
There are vegan crepe recipes that require neither eggs nor milk.

Have made pancakes for a crowd, we had no eggs and it was early New Year's morning and did not expect the company to stay over, and they came out OK, not great, but OK.

Don't know if eggs are verbotten here.

Crepes are just pancakes without leavening and are the simplest things in the world to make. Can toss out a whole bunch of them in no time, great for a crowd.

How about a Scot motif?

Can make vegetarian scones, a vegetarian haggis (yep, the whole idea turns me off since I love the McCoy but Charlie asked for vegetarian) with neeps and tatties (mashed turnips and taters).

Can serve with a vegan rice pudding or bread pudding (always better with eggs but again don't know if they are allowed here).

Or maybe a Chinese theme.

Spring rolls, Shanghai noodles, a garlic hot sauce dish with julienned carrots, green beans , tofu and broccoli.

Just an idea.
You might want to consider this modified recipe:


1/3 cup brown lentils
1 cup wholemeal self-raising flour
3/4 cup unsweetened soya milk
2 tbsps olive oil
1/2 tsp ground caraway

Leek & Mushroom Topping:
60gm vegetable oil
1 small leek sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
250gm mushrooms, sliced
320gm jar sweet red peppers, drained, chopped
2 tbsps chopped fresh tarragon

Add lentils to pan of boiling water, boil, uncovered for about 15 minutes or until just tender; drain.

Blend or process flour, egg, soya milk, oil and caraway until smooth, stir in lentils. Drop level teaspoons of batter into heated non-stick pan. Cook until bubbles appear. Turn pikelets, brown other side. Just before serving, top warm pikelets with hot topping.

Method (For Topping):
Heat oil in pan, add leek and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Add garlic and mushrooms, cook stirring until mushrooms are soft. Stir in peppers and tarragon. Mix well.

Makes about 80
It's not really either. Just no meat or dairy products. Some of that for cost cutting, some of it is because of kashrut requirement
dang, I knew in the beginning that pancakes were a no no!!!!

Fried potatoes
Eggs (some kind)

The same ingredients you put in the eggs to make an omelet can also be put in the fried potatoes. Basically, have the potatoes already cooked and the other ingredients cooked - "bar" style like someone else mentioned.

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