New BBQ Pitmaster Host

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Did he really say 40 minutes at 200-225? That's when I stopped it. I don't know if I'll be able to watch the show with this guy.
As if the show were not dumbed down enough last year with Paul, it had to be dropped another couple notches with this moron.
Sad indeed. But some folk just don't get it. Gas grill, boiling? = ZERO! Hell guy next to me was proud as hell he could put his new charcoal grill together and do burgers and dogs. Asked if I wanted one, I said no thank you, I just ate. I could smell the lighter fluid a mile away! YUCK.

Boil your ribs in beer... 40 minutes at 225 degrees... was that mustard he was chugging, or charcoal lighter fluid? :x
Even after reading the Smokeindaeye blog post I'm not convinced. I understand the wanting to broaden the audience, but don't insult the one you already have. It would be better if he admitted he knew nothing about bbq, or at least tried to hide it. His comments in the video are just proof of his ignorance. It also seemed like a big commercial to me, lots of name dropping.
edit-if it were up to me the host would be one of three people: Ray Lampe: He knows his stuff, he is DR. BBQ afterall, Steven Raichlen:Knows his stuff too and has proven on air carisma, or Greg Rempe: talks to lots of BBQ folk, has ran a successful radio show on the topic for a couple years, and knows his stuff, or at least more than "The Food Dude."
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