Outrageous Restaurant Portions ...WhoWhereWhy?

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if the burger's overwhelming, there's silverware. potion your burger, or order another food, or simply leave & get dinner elsewhere. 'kay, leaving what was an adult conversation.....
got kinda lost after the mention of imbalances/thyroid/psych/wherewithal/being improperly raised.....
lol. i'm too adult for this. plain & simple.
Statistics in America show that the majority of Americans have difficulty saying "no" to unhealthy food choices for a variety of reasons including factors like chemical imbalances, thyroid malfunction, emotional issues, lack of nutritional education, etc. Along with these factors are the caloric temptations from the media through commercials, ads, promotions, etc. So when a restaurant tempts the majority with an outrageous portion of food, the problem of overeating occurs and affects us all because we all are paying higher healthcare costs and insurance premiums because of illnesses related to being overweight. I hope that is a little clearer. I'm talking about the majority, not the minority. There are those who have complete control of their willpower.
not me.

woo hooo!

lol, j/k moll.

just lightening things up a bit. now the heavy.

i feel that i'm in some small way part of both camps. i feel similarly to the folks who have gotten fat from the myriad of reasons that are all to easy to follow (curse you, overtime at work, and the show "man v. food"), but also despise the people who have handicap plates in an suv just because they are severely overweight and now are using the system to aide their "disability". i've known a dozen or more people who do that. or worse as you'd mentioned, my taxes now go to people without "self control" instead of crushing our enemies, or building a better future. it's shameful.

the use of quotes in disability and self control define the arguement it seems.

it gets political when we begin to discuss the solutions to obesity, so i'll leave it there.
not me.
woo hooo!
lol, j/k moll.
just lightening things up a bit.
:LOL:...thanks buckytom...we can all use a smile here and there. Well, I admit I'm in the majority of those who can't always say "no" to food...sometimes i can...just not always....for no other reason than the fact that I just appreciate a well prepared meal and figure why deny myself of "quality of life"....but that quality sure takes a hit when reality sets in :D
... But what happens when you go into a restaurant expecting to get a normal sized burger...but it comes to your table outrageously portioned as you gaze at this super-sized-sin oozing juices and mouthwatering sauces and spilling outside of the bun while screaming your name? And you want to eat responsibly but you're not paying attention because you're out laughing it up with friends or enthralled with enchanting conversation...or you just plain can't say no to yourself because you have willpower issues and was raised to eat everything on your plate or it's emotional and a burger is your comfort food...and have a thyroid problem or a chemical imbalance causing you not to realize when you're full? ....

I thoroughly understand what you're saying, BUT, I've taken the hint from the skinny blue-hairs around me; I eat half and take the other half home for later, getting two meals out of it for the price of one. :)

Buffets - Portion Nightmares

Portion size is choice, and as you say, a matter of self-control. I'd be willing to bet that people who have difficulty with self-control over portion sizes, in particular, human pigs who take mountains of food with each initial visit to a buffet, leaving a trail of fried rice and spring rolls all of the way back to their table, (rather than taking a normal portion plate then go back for seconds later), most likely also have self-control problems in other areas of their life! Self-control takes effort, something lazy people avoid.
RE: Photo below...Hey Andy, this one has your name on it...literally! :LOL:
Andy's is #41 in this link:
40 Gut-Busting Restaurant Challenges for Free Food - Restaurant Coupons

On a more serious note...
This burger comes from a restaurant chain named "Andy's" that, like many, want to draw attention to themselves by advertising large portion eating-challenge contests. Often, the challenge is to eat all of an outrageous portion within an hour and you get it for free. People have died doing this...

On 2/14/08 a person died in the UK eating fairycake at a food-eating contest.

On 3/4/09 a Russian died eating pancakes...too much, too fast.

On 10/24/08 a Taiwanese college boy died at a food-eating contest after eating buns filled with rice and cheese....the prize offered was $60

Shouldn't these contests be outlawed? They're killing people...so sad.

What is fairycake? Sounds like something I want to eat too much of :)


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Guess I'll throw in my 'two cents', LOL why not!
Even the suggestion of more of the Orwellian concept of "Big Brother' knows best, scares the hell out of me. IN my (not to be humble!) opinion, there's far too many governmental restrictions governing all facets of society in a country where allegedly the citizens have 'free will' to make their own decisions...which are being eroded on a daily basis.
You can't fault a business (although many would like to) for advertising their product and attempting to entice customers.
If indeed, as stated here, that it's the "majority" of people in the country who are so susceptible to the blandishments of the 'tempters' that they can't control themselves, then that's a sad comment on the level of mental acuity in the country.
Ergo: a pig is a pig, and will always do what pigs do...QED!
Someone died in California from drinking water too in a contest to win a Wii. That one brought charges. I guess the others are just a case of gluttony gone wild?

The long and short of it is that the only one who can control how much you put in your mouth is YOU. You can be served an enormous portion, but you don't have to eat it.

As far as what the restaurant serves, they do what brings folks back. Complain a time or two and see what happens.
As far as what the restaurant serves, they do what brings folks back. Complain a time or two and see what happens.

In other words, complain about getting too much value for your $$$? Lol!!

Sorry, I still vote for enjoying a decent portion of your meal & taking the rest home to enjoy for lunch or dinner at home the following day.
If you aren't happy with something in a restaurant, or really in any service oriented industry you need to let those in charge know about it. If they get enough comments about it, they will make changes, its the nature of capitalism. Keep the customer happy.

No one is suggesting you need to do that Breezy. However, I don't necessarily agree that you would be getting value for your $$$. If (as has been mentioned early on in the thread) someone is getting a pile of pasta and little meat or seafood or whatever, is that truly value?

Eating in a restaurant is about getting what you want. If you don't like it, for WHATEVER reason, let management know. They keep track of these things.

Not trying to get things worked up again, just trying to round off the discussion. It seems to have said the same things over and over again without coming to any consensus or resolution. I think its time to bid this thread adieu.
I take those home too (if they're good)!! Lol!!

In fact, there used to be an adorable little French bistro here that made the most FABULOUS fries & served them liberally. Folks loved them so much, that they gave out reheating instructions with the leftover bags so folks could enjoy them again at home in all their glory - lol!!
...sure beats my Bacon Cupcake thread...who woulda' ever thunkit

...If indeed, as stated here, that it's the "majority" of people in the country who are so susceptible to the blandishments of the 'tempters' that they can't control themselves, then that's a sad comment on the level of mental acuity in the country...
...yes, that's the problem but then what would you know over there in Studio City/LA/Hollywood :LOL:. Seriously, no one eats there do they?
Here's actress Sharon Stone having her "meal" of Perrier Water and a Foodie's Vanity License Plate there...they have foodie's in Hollywood? :huh:


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What is fairycake? Sounds like something I want to eat too much of

Fairy cakes are just patty cakes, you know, cupcakes, with the tops removed, whipped cream dolloped on, the top cut in 2 and stuck back into the cream to look like wings.
Don't bother. Really ordinary to my mind and I can't imagine anyone eating enough to kill them:)
Thank you, missM for answering that question I thought had been overlooked (not that anyone actually reads any of my posts).

Well, I'll be. FairyCake...with wings...clever. I didn't know that pattycake is a cupcake either. The things you learn here in the DC forum. Wait that nursery rhyme pattycake pattycake...some versions say "pat it and prick it" and some say "roll it and roll it"...sounds more like pie to me...but then again, it is a nursery rhyme.
PS: given that the original nursery rhyme dates from the last 17th century, I would say the patty cake referred to was some kind of doughy thingie
thank you miss m.

i finally got an answer..

kidding again, moll. :cool:

statistically speaking, paranoid people really do have enemies.

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