Pancetta is ready!

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Master Chef
Nov 10, 2010
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
It's been a couple of weeks since I hung this stuff..the thinner parts are ready. Still a little soft on the thicker end but I'll fry it up tonight to make Carbonara..which is pretty much the reason I make this stuff...
Excuse the greasy


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That looks really good. :yum:

Bacon on steroids..I try not to eat it much..I cut it into 4 ounce pieces and shrink wrap and freeze...nice to have for pasta, pizza, in stews, etc...I should get about 8 pieces from that and after my son is done raiding the freezer I might have 4 left..:LOL:

And, another is probably the easiest cut of meat to cure if anybody is interested in trying..
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Bacon on steroids..I try not to eat it much..I cut it into 4 ounce pieces and shrink wrap and freeze...nice to have for pasta, pizza, in stews, etc...I should get about 8 pieces from that and after my son is done raiding the freezer I might have 4 left..:LOL:

And, another is probably the easiest cut of meat to cure if anybody is interested in trying..

Where should I look to get the instructions?
and where do you cure it?

A friend did some sausages once but did it with a friend who was pretty much set up for it. He said the space/area/temperature was more than he was willing to commit to... and this from a die-hard do it yourselfer!

While on the farm, I had space and time to do, but nowhere did I have a consistent temperature. So was too afraid to try.

Was difficult enough to find a place where my incubators would have a pretty consistent exterior temperature, never mind trying to cure meat!
I made a chamber out of a mini fridge..I'm lucky as the lowest temp is in the low 40's and humidity stays around 75..I can control it with a saucer of water if it starts to get too has worked well so far...What I am learning is it's not as hard as you would be led to believe on the internet..everything I ever made was edible, albeit some could have been a bit better, but that could be due to recipes, cuts of meat, time I left it in there, etc...not just the conditions
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Well, now that I'm at my sons and not dependant on the weather so much with ancient heating, I just might give it a try.

At the moment tho I'm still trying to find the coffee filters in a humongous pile of boxes in the middle of the apartment. I have a sneaky suspicion that they got sent to the storage warehouse - along with my socks and summer shoes. :(
Built a curing box a couple years ago, out of scrap from a greenhouse. It's in our basement, very cool and dry, so I added a 150W panel heater and a small humidifier intended for a cigar humidor. It does a good job with pancetta.


I like to spread the cure and spices and roll it tight, so it comes out like what you get in the deli—


Vacuum-packed and frozen, it keeps a long time.

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