Pit Barrel Cooker Co.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
What is the gauge of the metal?, personally I would have to see/feel it in person.
That sucker could rust out faster then your Brinkmann
Well you can believe in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets filled first......my $0.02

I have seen this as thin as 26 gauge.....scary shit
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Not sure Vermin999 may have had some experience with the PBC, you might wait an see if he post a response. Several here have just built their own UDS very similar.
I know that there is some satisfaction derived from DYI, however with my work schedule time is the one thing I don't have. I will await a response before making a decision.
I haven't tried one but have heard nothing but great things about these cookers. My only experience is using a UDS and they are awesome cookers too. Just to throw a wrench in your plan a 18" WSM can be had for the same price and they are awesome cookers too!!! Good luck and let us know what you get and we like pics!
From what I hear, the PBC is hard to beat. lots of folks using it
Hell you should come out, make a day of it. Cook up some eats, and paint the smokes/ grills. Too bad it is gonna rain this weekend.
Ya I'll get right on it...haul a 500 pound grill 100 miles to see you.....LOLOOOLLLOOO!!!!:rolleyes:
Sorry it's taken awhile, but here are some pics:








Here are some of my cooks:






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