Pork Stock

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Nov 22, 2009
Chesapeake Bay
So I got about 13 pounds of bones from a local market, just giving them away!

I have roasted them and they are in the stock pot now simmering slowly.

What are you favorite uses for pork stock?
The house smells so good right now...

Oh goodness I love making stock just for how good it smells.
So I got about 13 pounds of bones from a local market, just giving them away!

I have roasted them and they are in the stock pot now simmering slowly.

What are you favorite uses for pork stock?

Pork stock makes a mean pot of beans. Rice would also be really good with stock instead of water.:chef:
I have done rice with chicken stock. Rice is on the list of things to try with the pork stock too...
I have done rice with chicken stock. Rice is on the list of things to try with the pork stock too...

Rice cooked in a seasoned stock or broth is pilaf. Try browning some minced onion and broken up vermicelli in butter before adding the rice and stock.
Rice cooked in a seasoned stock or broth is pilaf. Try browning some minced onion and broken up vermicelli in butter before adding the rice and stock.

So that's what pilaf is! I had always thought it just meant rice.:LOL: All this time I've been making pilaf and didn't even know how gourmet I was being.

I'll try your idea Andy. That sounds really good.
I have cubes of gelatinized pork stock in my freezer. I add them to anything that could use some liquid. It's a blessing in disguise that my local supermarkets don't sell them in cans or bouillon. I can drink it straight up. And I sometimes do, for a bowl of fresh noodle ramen.
Hot water crust Melton Mowbray pork pies and brawn brawn or slice big steaks of pork butt dip in flour fry add fried onions peppers and garlic, add paprika powder, add stock and braise till tender, remove meat reduce till syrupy, add sour cream and blend with a stick blender return the meat, heat and eat with french fries or the stock for Bolitto Misto or Cassoulet
You can make a good sauce with pork stock...puree some fresh mango & add to the stock , thicken with a roux(butter&flour) or arrowroot. Great sauce served over pork loin.
You can make a good sauce with pork stock...puree some fresh mango & add to the stock , thicken with a roux(butter&flour) or arrowroot. Great sauce served over pork loin.

That sounds wonderful. Mango would go well with pork. I would be tempted to add some hot peppers.
I was thinking about those...

Do I need to relocate to Leicestershire when I make them? ;)
Nah Z I wont grass you up, these are my fav shop bought.
Dickinson & Morris, the home of authentic Melton Mowbray Pork Pies

Ps there are a few people who will buy a standard pork pie then heat them in the oven and eat them with Heinz baked beans, I am one of those heretics.
PPS the traditional chrimo breakfast in that area is Colston Basset Stilton, MM Porkpie and a few shots of Port wine then mount your horse and chase a fox, thankfully the Fox hunting with hounds is now illegal.
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beans and rice would be on top of my list. use the stock to cook the rice, use a little more when cooking the beans down....and just eat and eat and eat..
I ended up canning the stock, cause who is gonna use 8 qts in one go?

So I have 16 pint jars and 8 1oz cubes in the freezer.

simonbaker that sounds like good idea.

Taxlady, I won't just be tempted.
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