Prepping Pork Spare Ribs?

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Chef Munky

Honey Badger
Dec 15, 2008
Do you have to remove the membrane from the back?

Trim off that flap of meat and small bone?

Thank you
Mornin Andy! :)

Thanks for the help. This has to be done by 11 am .. Will I make it? :mrgreen:

Back up's bologna. :)

I always remove the membrane and the flap (remainder of the diaphragm muscle) on pork spare ribs ~~~ Is it absolutely necessary? No, but for me personally I feel that I get a cleaner bite through with the membrane removed...Also, seasoning (rubs) will not penetrate it. HTH
Ok done. Bone, membrane removed. Seasoned and cooking. I usually remove the membrane from beef ribs. But wasn't sure if that was necessary with these. Why do they leave that flap on? The rack looks neater without it.

Thank you UB. :)

Chef Munky said:
Why do they leave that flap on

Due to trimming fast...that small portion is left on...It does add weight, and weight adds $$$$....Some people leave it on...some remove it and cook it separately as a snack for the Cook..Others remove it and add it to beans etc..I always remove it...Sometimes toss it..sometimes make a snack out of it...if it's big enough.

I recall that as a kid, my dad would parboil a rack of pork ribs, and then finish them off on an old charcoal grill that didn't even have a top to it. Instead, he fashioned an aluminum foil tent. I have no idea how long he grilled them, but I can still smell the aroma of BBQ sauce and drippings sizzling on the charcoal briquettes. And when they were finally finished, I remember the membrane across the back, and it was crispy and curled at the edges. I liked pulling the smoky flavored membrane off of each rib and savoring it like a piece of candy.

What the heck, we didn't know any better, but it's something I distinctly remember with fondness.
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Due to trimming fast...that small portion is left on...It does add weight, and weight adds $$$$....Some people leave it on...some remove it and cook it separately as a snack for the Cook..Others remove it and add it to beans etc..I always remove it...Sometimes toss it..sometimes make a snack out of it...if it's big enough.


Should have made myself a little more clear about that. I did mean that piece on the back that looks like a flank steak. I trimmed it off and added it to the baking pan. Let it cook with the ribs in the oven for a little while. And finish it on the grill.

Added weigh didn't even occur to me. Our butcher stuck a package of ribs in with my order and didn't charge me for it. He hid it under a few roasts. Didn't see it until I got home. He does that. I'm alright with that! :mrgreen:

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