Roasted potatoes with pesto

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I have an overload of potatoes and some left over pesto, so I decided to be creative.
- I took about 4 cups of the really tiny potatoes that I usually dont have much used for, and build them until fork tender. I allowed them to dry and cut most in 1/2 ( except the really small ones).
- Tossed the already cooked potatoes in oil and salt, with a few bruised garlic cloves, placed on a parchment lined pan and roasted them for about 35 minutes, flipping and rotating halfway.
- Once the they finished roasting, I put them in a large container, along with the pesto, covered and shook/ rolled the container until all the potatoes were. evenly coated with the pesto.
- Pretty simple, tasted good, and a great way to get rid of things that otherwise would have rotted or sprouted.


  • potato 1.png
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  • Potato 2.png
    Potato 2.png
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  • Potato 3.png
    Potato 3.png
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I have an overload of potatoes and some left over pesto, so I decided to be creative.
- I took about 4 cups of the really tiny potatoes that I usually dont have much used for, and build them until fork tender. I allowed them to dry and cut most in 1/2 ( except the really small ones).
- Tossed the already cooked potatoes in oil and salt, with a few bruised garlic cloves, placed on a parchment lined pan and roasted them for about 35 minutes, flipping and rotating halfway.
- Once the they finished roasting, I put them in a large container, along with the pesto, covered and shook/ rolled the container until all the potatoes were. evenly coated with the pesto.
- Pretty simple, tasted good, and a great way to get rid of things that otherwise would have rotted or sprouted.

Looks good. Will try this summer. We grow basil as well.

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