Master Chef
I want to let everyone know the success story. I closed down the last line simply because I was too heart-broken to want to hear about it. I actually called Safe Haven to talk to them about returning her and spent a day in mourning (depression). All my previous dogs I got straight from the litter, this is my first shelter dog. Well, a couple of trainers called me with .. are you ready for this? ... free advice. I would have happily paid either of them, but their advice worked. The main word being that I'm not being firm enough. This seems so silly to me. I was in the service, and have a great "command voice", but guess what? I'm not using it. I got to thinking about it and it is true, my "no" sounds the same as my "yes", my "good girl" the same as my "bad girl". I also took Mom's advice and rolled up a few pages of newspaper. The good news about that is we've never had to use it. Just tapped her once (and I do mean tapped her) and just showing it to her works. She's back to doing just puppy mouthing, which I can deal with. It was just when she jumped 5' to snap at my face (I'm 5'9") she'd have to go. Well, we got that behavior to go. Yay! For our dinner party, and for the day before when computer guy came by, and the day before that when a couple of folks came by for a nightcap, and even yesterday when an impromptu guy and kid came by, she was perfectly lady-like, sitting under the table. So, happy ending.